How Do?


Mostly New Member
Mar 1, 2016
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Hi there everyone! I'm new to the community, not to fish. Been keeping fish since I was a kid on and off. Currently, I have a 20tall lowtech and a 29 w/ a CO2 setup(which is relatively new). If you'd like a full list of fish if be happy to oblige. Not sure if I can post pics yet. Or even how to do so lol. Never been very good with forums lol. Anyway its nice to meet people who share the addiction
Welcome, looking forward to seeing your fish and also to hearing about your co2 setup, been thinking about trying this
Not sure about the pictures yet :/ the camera on my phone doesn't have the option to adjust the size of pictures taken. But my CO2 Setup is pretty basic. 5lb tank, Milwaukee regulator with bubble counter, a check valve, and a rinox diffuser. The only problems I've had so far are with the PH the CO2 lowers it to almost 6.0 from almost 7.0. It bothers me. I don't like to use pH up products because quick changes in pH more often than not leave me with dead fish. Especially having a Puffer. He's already stress due to the low pH. I need to find a natural buffer to raise my levels. Ideally I'd like to be right around 7.6. High enough to accommodate the puff and low enough to not upset my other fish. And before anyone gets on me about having a puffer in with other fish, He's very mellow and hasn't shown aggression towards any of his tank mates. With the exception of one White cloud who tries to take shrimp out of his mouth. But that's his own dumbass fault lol. 

Lets see if this works

My Low tech 20gal tank:
1 Betta
6 Neon Tetras
1 Twig Catfish
1 Raphael Catfish
a hand full of Ghost Shrimp
and a couple snails 
29 Gal w/ CO2:
1 Green Spotted Puffer
5 Harlequin Rasboras
5 White Clouds
1 Clown pleco
3 Peacock Gudgeons
and 1 incredibly resilient Ghost shrimp who, somehow, has been in the tank  from the beginning without getting munched by Scooty Puff Jr.   


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Never kept puffers but they seem like real characters. I just bought a trio of peacock gudgeons last friday, incredible colours almost rivalling marines.
They certainly do have a lot of personality. The gudgeon sisters are still new to the tank and haven't really settled in yet or developed much color :/. But i can see the potential. I'm debating on setting up a third tank. My Dad has an empty 29 in the garage and its so hard to resist the temptation to fill it with new wiggles.
Also if anyone wants a list of plants and whatnot I'd be more than happy to do so.
Little gudgeons


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This is my male and one of the females. Haven't managed to get a good pic of him flaring his fins yet.


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