Today I was watching George, my handsome chap, and I dropped in a few pellets right in front of his face while he was taking in some air. He swam right past the pellets. He's kind of dragon scale, and half of each eye looks like the scales on his body. I also noticed him swim past some sort of wriggling live thing (some sort of worm or something living in my substrate or from my plants I assume). Point is, he didn't react to either the food or the wiggle. I put my finger in the water and he either did not care or notice.
Does the dragon scale look over the fish's eye mean he's blind? He looks very healthy. His colors are brilliant and his tail is in fine condition. He uses the whole tank and has several favorite resting spots. I just don't know if he's seeing the food.
George is a really sweet guy and he likes to hang out in the corner of the tank that is next to my bed (he's in a ten gallon on my nightstand). He doesn't even get scared when my pit bull presses her big nose against the glass to watch him.
How do I know if he is blind? If he is blind, what can I do to keep him comfortable? Should I switch to meaty foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms and the like? I keep bloodworms on hand but have not offered him any yet. I feed Omega pellets. The ingredient list looks nice.
I would like to add that he easily jumped over the fern leaf which rests on the surface. He's a jumper this one. He knew where the leaf was well enough to clear it. I don't know why he didn't just swim under it. Maybe it is fun.
Does the dragon scale look over the fish's eye mean he's blind? He looks very healthy. His colors are brilliant and his tail is in fine condition. He uses the whole tank and has several favorite resting spots. I just don't know if he's seeing the food.
George is a really sweet guy and he likes to hang out in the corner of the tank that is next to my bed (he's in a ten gallon on my nightstand). He doesn't even get scared when my pit bull presses her big nose against the glass to watch him.
How do I know if he is blind? If he is blind, what can I do to keep him comfortable? Should I switch to meaty foods like brine shrimp, bloodworms and the like? I keep bloodworms on hand but have not offered him any yet. I feed Omega pellets. The ingredient list looks nice.
I would like to add that he easily jumped over the fern leaf which rests on the surface. He's a jumper this one. He knew where the leaf was well enough to clear it. I don't know why he didn't just swim under it. Maybe it is fun.