How Do You Get Fish To Eat From The Top Of The Tank?


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Oct 14, 2015
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I have 5 new Neon Tetras in a 37 Gallon Tank (decently tall). I was wondering why they only eat the flakes when the filter pushes it down? 
Thanks in advance for answers.
Not all fish feed from the surface.some top some middle some bottom.
Use a small cup. Soak the flakes in some tank water then pour them in and they will sink.
If you look at your fish, you'll soon be able to work out where they prefer to feed

For example, the guppy and the hatchetfish have evolved an upturned mouth, which tells you that they're surface feeders; indeed hatchets will rarely even chase food to lower levels; if it sinks too quickly, the hatchets go hungry.

The catfish and loach families, by contrast, have evolved downward facing mouths, so they prefer to feed from the bottom.

Your neon tetras have a forward facing mouth, so they'll be mid water feeders, as you've found

Of course, many fish will move around the tank to eat, if they're hungry, or if the food is very tasty (lots of people have plecs that have learnt to hang at the water surface to suck in food from the top!), but in general they prefer to eat at their natural level.
look for food that's designed to sink slowly. I've found that to be the best way of all fish types getting a chance at the food. Top feeders usually dart to the surface to be the first to the food and so fish that feed from the mid level or bottom don't get a chance. I use Tetra granuals which sink slowly for that very reason
All of my fish generally feed from the top. It may be because I have had my tetra for such a long time they have learnt to feed from the top.
However I tend to feed my fish in two places. Feeding the quicker top feeders first and then while they are eating put food in a different area for those that wait for the food to sink. Generally in my filter flow so it sinks quicker
That way all my fish get a chance of eating.
I have a pig of an angel fish that will go anywhere in the tank for food--top, middle, or bottom.And after all the food appears to be gone , he'll hunt all over the tank for any miniscule particles of food , even digging into the gravel for a speck of food.

Then he'll look at me whenever I go near the tank in hopes that I'll drop in some more food.
I have a pig of an angel fish that will go anywhere in the tank for food--top, middle, or bottom.And after all the food appears to be gone , he'll hunt all over the tank for any miniscule particles of food , even digging into the gravel for a speck of food.

Then he'll look at me whenever I go near the tank in hopes that I'll drop in some more food.
I have a Betta that is the same.
my male angel is like that too. He's a real pig. He'll even try to steal the plec pellet ... he'll eat cory pellets even though he doesn't really like them (he grabs them and then waits a minute remembers he doesn't like them and then spits them out) He too will come charging at the glass if I go near hoping to be fed. From what I've heard this is typical angel behaviour ... they are greedy fish. That said, he's not over weight he's slim and slender just as he should be 

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