How Do You Feed German Blue Rams In A Community Tank


Fish Fanatic
Dec 16, 2011
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New York
I saw some nice german blue rams at the LFS and I couldn't resist any more, I knew they are not easy to keep but I heard them call "Please take me home!" :hyper:
So I bought 2 GBR, now it comes the challenge of feeding them in my tank with 5 guppies, 2 platy, 2 danio, 16 neon tetras and 8 corries.
I wet the flakes and let the water current to below them down so the rams will have a change to eat, but even that they didn't catch much. I wanted to feed them blood worms but I know it will be all gone before they even see it.
Anyone has suggestion on how to feed them?
if they are new fish they will need time to settle down and explore their new home so be patient for the next few days. once settled they should be quite willing to battle for food once they get use to your feeding times etc. they also prefer higher temps so be sure to turn the heat up for them.
Thanks Matt. Yes, they are new, just got them yesterday.
The first thing I led them out of the bag, they went after some guppy fries that's hiding in the rocks. I tried to chase them away but they were not even scare, they didn't seem to be shy to me, lol. The male went for the food but he ate slow so he only ate one little piece and all the food were eaten by other fish already. I'll be very happy to see them battle for food after they settle down.
My place is always hot the whole year round, so I don't have to worry about the temperature.
it will help if you know what the shop fed them if they dont take to food in a day or two and may be worth getting some if it differs from your current food. they will eat fry and anything small enough to fit in their mouth like small shrimps etc etc so i dont hold much hope for the small fry im affraid :no: but if it helps the rams settle in then at least they havnt died for no reason.... nature and all that i guess!

rams do prefer temps of 28-30 degrees C
Hope all goes well with them. Not sure what they were so just googled them what a lovely looking fish enjoy :good:
We also have two GBR's and they are great fish - beautiful colours and great characters. It took a couple of days for them to settle down but they have certainly found their place in the tank and we've had them for just over a month now.
In our tank, we have 8 harlequin rasboras, 3 platys and 5 zebra danios.

The larger GBR still prefers to feed mid level whilst the smaller one has learnt to compete with the danios, platy's and rasboras at the top.
When I'm feeding mushed pea to the tank, the little one will come and take it from my finger.
Give them a bit of time and they will settle down and both will happily find the food that they need.

If you're feeding bloodworm, you could possibly drop a few in from the surface and then put some in with a turkey baster :) Or just put so much in that it gets to the bottom but still gets eaten after a few minutes :)
I've been fancying a couple of blue rams myself (once a few of my older stock has died off - I'm fully stocked right now) Just wondering though about the temperature. My fish book says 24-26 which is what my tank runs at now (I understand the cories like it cooler)
If they like it warm and the corries prefer cooler can they live together in the same tank?
My Ram's never used to take flakes. They'd spit it out, but they were fine on frozen Bloodworm & live :good:

Good luck, James.
Thank you all. The rams seem to be doing better already, the bigger male comes up to the top for food and the smaller female goes for the mid and they ate flakes, brine shrimp and blood worms I fed them. I don't think they found their home yet, most of the time they are all over the place and sometimes the male plays with my wife by following her finger, LOL. They are lovely :lol:
Great news, and good to hear you're enjoying them :good:

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