How Do You Do It


New Member
Apr 11, 2013
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Hi all ive recently started a microworm culture all goin well I use to lunch boxes and use porridge and mash potato both do the trick millions of worms as I need for my hundreds of hungry baby angels. The trouble is getting them a few climb the sides of the container and I use a paint brush but I always end up with abit of the porridge on the brush and in the tank. How do I get better results? As always any advices is gratefully received.
you could just set up a BRINE SHRIMP HATCHING HATCHER KIT and feed them on them. when i first started many years ago my angels paired up and spawned. i removed the eggs into a seprate tank with bubles, bubbling over the eggs with one of these kits stuck to the side and feed my angels with it.
Hi thanks for reply. I do feed them brine shrimp aswell but get through alot trying to have several ways of feeding atm I used microworms, brine shrimp and crushed flake food
My old fishkeeping mentor used to build little 'log cabins' out of matchsticks laid on the porridge. The worms climb over them, and you pick off the top matchsticks and rinse those into the tank.
You'd want just the stick bit, not the lighting up end, of course! I expect clean lollipop sticks would work just as well :)
The instructions I found said to use sandpaper to roughen the inside of the inside of the container to give the worms something to climb on. I did that and I've never had a problem getting just worms off the side. Of course, it might be just coincidence ......
Thanks I will try it. I do get the climbing just not very many I shine a light and there's millions on top just cant get them without getting the mash on my brush.

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