How Do I Post Thumbnails?


Fish Botherer
Dec 8, 2012
Reaction score
I've seen some people posting thumbnails that you can click on and it pops up an enlarged picture... how do I do that?!
Here are the instructions regarding how to upload the pics. 
We're working on a pin but this will due until then...
1 - Photo should be stored as a file on your computer/phone.
2 - Click to post a reply to the thread as usual.
3 - At the bottom of the screen, you will see either:
or, next to the Post reply button, there will be a "More reply options".
4 - If you do nothing else, the photo will be uploaded as a thumbnail at the bottom of the reply: (like you see below)
5 - If you want the picture in the middle of the post, click the "Add to Post" option, which looks like this:
(To ensure the picture is where you want it, place the cursor at the desired location before clicking "Add to Post".
When I click on your thumbnails I get 'you do not have permission to view this attachment'!
The Attach Files function is limited to only 300K per post, That's why I didn't think people were using it as they seemed to be posting bigger images than that
Here's my test (154k)
Tank18Apr.jpg don't...I copied and pasted that text which is why you get that bad, but your test has worked.
One of the things I like about the attachment method is that all your attachements are kept in your user controls so you can go into your profile and see them all.

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