How big is my tank?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 20, 2005
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The [Mighty]Isle of Wight[y]
I read and saw that robgurr's 48x18x24 tank is 90gal. I know U.k and U.S gal' are different but when I work out the volume of my tank (36x12x12) it comes out as 23gal! I am rubbish at maths but how can an extra 12x12x6 add 70gal?!
The tank I have already put fish into is the Juwel 90l so I'm sure someone can tell me if my siggy is correct or not.
The new tank (measurements above) is nearly the same but I'm so confused! Geh! :blink:

I tried using the calculators but didn't understand.
36x12x12 / 230.4 = 22.5 gallons.

48x18x24 / 230.4 = 90 gallons (bang on)

You're close enough. The mathematics don't work according to the logic you are using, though I can see how you arrived at it.
some things are easier to understand if you visualize them. (that's your tank on the inside.)

Agreed. I LOVE's little questions like this that keep me going!...If anyone ever has a problem/debate which involves using maths...let me know! I may not be right, but I DO get a lot of enjoyment from them! My last one was - which is best, a toploader or a side loading tumbledryer?!...Yes, I really DO need to get out more!
I make it (empty)
22.45 USgal/84.98 Liters (or 5747.2 tablespoons :) )
Sufrface area is
432 Square Inches/2787.09 Square Centimetres
For US gallons, you multiply the length, width and height, and divide by 231.

48 x 18 x 24 = 20736, then divide by 231 = 89.766 gal!

I know nothing about maths, but the guy at the fish store told me how to do it.
I think I understand, that drawing made it alot clearer.
Now I already want to set up a bigger tank. I'd have to build it myself though, hmmmmm. I guess the DIY forum will help, I'd probably make it 48x18x12 or something.
I've been playing with the maths and there is a 15gal difference between a 48x18x12 and a 48x12x12. That's so bazaa. :blink:
God damnit. Already having trouble with this tank.
Earlier tonight after checking it all yesturday for leaks and cleaning it I added rocks, sand, filter and heater, started the cycling (fishless although will add fry very soon after the ammonia drops) and suddenly it starts leaking! Also my heater has gone screwy and even when I tell it to only heat the tank at 26 it heats it so warm I can barely touch the water without pain!
I don't have the money to buy a new heater and repair the leak. I'll get some Silicon tomorrow. *sigh* I really have no luck at all with fish keeping.... blindness....failing breeder traps.... leaking tanks... failing heaters....!

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