Houseplant Fertilizers...


Fish Crazy
Jan 30, 2012
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I wanted to put some Micro Sword Narrow Leaf and Red Ludwigia and maybe some Cambomba too in a .5gal and grow only the plants. Since there'll be no fish, could I use houseplant fertilizer such as Miracle Gro Bone Meal or Miracle Gro Houseplant Food Spikes. The Substrate will be Miracle Gro Organic Potting Mix with a 1cm Play Sand cap. The plants will be living in tank water from my 10gal and'll get sun 8-10 hours a day.
i would use plant ferts, its just safer and is made for aquatic plants. other ferts for outdoor etc. plans could probably kill your aquatic plants.
I wanted to put some Micro Sword Narrow Leaf and Red Ludwigia and maybe some Cambomba too in a .5gal and grow only the plants. Since there'll be no fish, could I use houseplant fertilizer such as Miracle Gro Bone Meal or Miracle Gro Houseplant Food Spikes. The Substrate will be Miracle Gro Organic Potting Mix with a 1cm Play Sand cap. The plants will be living in tank water from my 10gal and'll get sun 8-10 hours a day.

In theory you could but the ammonia in terrestrial food will probably cause a problem when it comes to algae. I've not checked the specs but some organic potting mixes contain stuff like chicken manure, which may or may not cause water quality issues.
If you want easy street, run it as a normal planted tank, if you want a challenge have a play while understanding what's going on in the tank re: ammonia and general water quality (referring to organics as opposed to the stuff we test for)

And take pics - Sounds cool :good:
I've been meaning to get some Flourish and I think today's the day. In my main tank in case you don't know is dirted. It's an interesting method really. The ludwigia has grown roots into the soil which I've never seen. It's also starting to grow aeral roots. The stem of cambomba I put in my tank has grown roots for the first time ever. The 3 pieces of micro sword narrow eaf's root systems look amazing even though 2 out of 3 aren't doing well. So I'll start a log with pictures to let everyone know what's going on. i'll link to it.
In terms of maximum plant growth Flourish will be missing* the all important Nitrate and Phosphate.


*I say missing, it contains teeny tiny amounts,
Doesn't stem plants growing aerial roots mean they're 'hungry'? Or is that some old fashioned idea that I've clung onto for years with it being totally wrong?
Doesn't stem plants growing aerial roots mean they're 'hungry'? Or is that some old fashioned idea that I've clung onto for years with it being totally wrong?

I think they still grow them in high nutrient situations too.
It's likely they're thinking happy days, let's have a do at reproducing :)
Trust me. There's a lot of nutrients. The plants seem to be sucking up the soil and when I pulled out a Cambodia for the first time. It's really amazing. They're now on the window sill. I hope to start a log in the plant section.
Well I just checked today and the plants sure are doing well. The Ludwigia has bent towards the sun and the Cambomba has grown roots out of the soil and is PEARLING

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