Honey Gourami Pineconing


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I turned on the light to my tank today and my male honey gourami is pineconing and looking unnaturally pale  (he is normally the gold/yellow coloring).  I am at a complete loss as to why or how he is looking so ill this morning.
I have a 20 gallon tank, stats are 0,0,10, temperature is 27c, tankmates are amano shrimp, assassin snails and 1 female honey gourami.
Anyhow... I've seen nothing whatsoever wrong with him up until now.  Both my honeys were in fabulous condition and extremely active, eating well, pooping, etc.
The only notable thing of late is that I cannot fast the male.  My female can be quite a piggy and got a bit big so I attempted to fast her once and near the end of the day my male was looking lethargic.  I feed him and then he was completely fine again.  That is the ONLY thing that has ever happened concerning his health/behavior.
I am thinking that because he is pineconing that his days are done and he is better off euthanized... but it does leave me concerned for my female honey and for adding more as I don't want to end up leaving her alone.
Any idea on what could have caused this to come on overnight?  I've made no changes whatsoever to my tank.  The water was changed 4 days ago.  I feed then New Life Spectrum and the snails/shrimp get wafers for crustaceans.
Seeing a fish pineconing literally makes me gag, looks so disturbing to me.
I'm so sorry PrairySunflower. With all your stats looking as they do, and I know you have good tank hygiene, I think that this is just one of those cases where he either may have already been genetically weak or that maybe something may have damaged him somewhere along the line before he came to you. Either way it sucks, sorry for your loss! (hugs)
Do you think there is likely to be anything contagious that could affect my remaining female honey?
I do think Amelia is enjoying the freedom from having territory in the tank... she is swimming more than ever... she will sleep well tonight.
I've read somewhere once, that once your tank experienced a death it is a good idea to do a 50% water change. I always change 50% weekly so for me it would have no ill effect to do this also after a death. Would not recommend it for readers though whose tank hygiene may be poor, or where a large water change would change the stats to severely.
He didn't technically die in the tank as I euthanized him so he wouldn't suffer.  But yes, I did a water change anyway.  I pretty much always do 50% water change for regular water changes as well as in these cases.
Oh no, am sorry for your loss 

Always a shame when that sort of thing happen for no real apparent cause.
If its any consolation I think I would have exactly the same as you.
Will you be getting another honey to pair with Amelia?
Yes, I will get her another buddy.  I am starting to wonder if she activeness (she has always been active but sort of has gone even more active now) is not the freedom of no territory but maybe she is panicked she is alone?
She was originally part of a trio that didn't work out.  I also had a really bossy female who was mean to her... but then that one ended up getting unwell and lethargic and I couldn't save her (that was within the first 5 weeks of getting her), then it was smooth sailing after that as Amelia and Mr Jelly got along really well.  Amelia is a gentle soul!  So... I'm thinking just adding a second rather than adding two like I'd ultimately prefer.
I would still keep an eye on your other fish over the next few days. Pine-coning, or dropsy, is usually a symtom...not a disease. As long as you keep your tank in good hygeine as it is apparent that you do, you should be fine.

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