Honey Gourami - Are They Settling?

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Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I am very confident that my male is settling in fine.  He seems to take the right side of the tank as his side.  He is active and always busy with something.  He allows the shy female to come and swim around and rarely chases her out.  He is less lenient with the bossy female and usually keeps her on the other side of the tank.  That is all fine.
Now, the issue I've been having has been between the two females.  Bossy has been mostly trying to keep Shy in the corner between the plants.  Shy is coming out more and more and not going straight back to the corner when Bossy disagrees (it is all chasing no nipping or signs of nipping when I haven't been watching).
NOW... this morning both Shy and Bossy are in the corner together... which has me puzzled as they don't tend to get along.  I've only had them just under a week so all is new and I suppose that quarantine period.  No signs of illness whatsoever.  It just has me puzzles as to why the second female has joined the first in the corner.
Is this some kind of improvement in their behavior or should I be worried?  I've done my water change over the weekend and everything is right one track where it should be and temperature is 25c.
That's an interesting turn of events and it sounds like a positive one, I would have thought. 
Really couldn't say for sure exactly what that might mean. You can really only keep doing what you're doing and keep a close eye for any aggression between Shy and Bossy. Other than that, it sounds good!
I hope that is good.  I just worried that they are in the corner together rather than swimming around mostly... so feel worried that means they are sick.... but still strange they are together.
Are there any other signs of ill health that you can see?
They are in a 20 gallon (US gallon) long tank.
I have been scrutinizing them since I got them watching for whitespot or anything that might appear and they look perfectly clear to me.  No clamping, no stringy poops, eating well... they are just suddenly both in the corner which just doesn't sit right to me.
Resting maybe?
Plotting against the male? You know how you girls get sometimes!? Hehe...
One of my boys likes to be in a nice dark cosy corner from time to time, but he always comes out for food and a nosey around to see what's going on.
I shall keep an eye on them to see if anything is brewing.  I think shy girl is there because of bossy... but I am not altogether sure if bossy is alright yet.
Well, they got to sitting on the bottom even more (both girls, boy is doing great), so I started them on an anti-parasitic medication.  I am starting to see some positive changes in their behavior.  Bossy is going back to being herself and Shy has moved out of her permanent corner and has moved onto the boy's side of the tank.  She still hides often but she is coming out way more often for little looks around before going back.  The boy isn't bossing her around either so I think that is good too.

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