New Member
Hi everyone,
I have a dwarf gourami and he has what I think is wasting disease. I've been successfully spot treating him for a week and the patch which is just above his eye looked to be shrinking and healing over. Today I have noticed that although it's shrinking and looking better its got deeper and there's a hole. He's still eating but every now and again he takes a piece and a bubble comes from the wound.
I have been treating with myxazin. I tried to isolate him but the little blighter kept jumping out the breeding box!
Does anyone have any suggestions or has it gone too far now?
The rest of the tank is fine.
Ammo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
PH 7.6
55ltr Hong Kong plec, albino bristlenose, 9 glowlights, 1 dwarf gourami, 5 neon blacks, 2 silvertips
2 filters - internal 200lt/hr each
Water change yesterday
I have a dwarf gourami and he has what I think is wasting disease. I've been successfully spot treating him for a week and the patch which is just above his eye looked to be shrinking and healing over. Today I have noticed that although it's shrinking and looking better its got deeper and there's a hole. He's still eating but every now and again he takes a piece and a bubble comes from the wound.
I have been treating with myxazin. I tried to isolate him but the little blighter kept jumping out the breeding box!
Does anyone have any suggestions or has it gone too far now?
The rest of the tank is fine.
Ammo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
PH 7.6
55ltr Hong Kong plec, albino bristlenose, 9 glowlights, 1 dwarf gourami, 5 neon blacks, 2 silvertips
2 filters - internal 200lt/hr each
Water change yesterday