Hole In The Head!?


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
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Hertfordshire, UK
Hi everyone,

I have a dwarf gourami and he has what I think is wasting disease. I've been successfully spot treating him for a week and the patch which is just above his eye looked to be shrinking and healing over. Today I have noticed that although it's shrinking and looking better its got deeper and there's a hole. He's still eating but every now and again he takes a piece and a bubble comes from the wound.

I have been treating with myxazin. I tried to isolate him but the little blighter kept jumping out the breeding box!

Does anyone have any suggestions or has it gone too far now?

The rest of the tank is fine.

Ammo 0
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
PH 7.6

55ltr Hong Kong plec, albino bristlenose, 9 glowlights, 1 dwarf gourami, 5 neon blacks, 2 silvertips
2 filters - internal 200lt/hr each
Water change yesterday

Your tanks on the overstocked side.
How big to Hong Kong plecs get?

Does the fish look thin, skinny?
Check the anus of the fish to see if it looks enlarged, or red and inflamed.
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Do any of your fish show signs of a curved spine.

The mark on the fish does it look pink, or red, with a circling of dead white tissue around the edges?
Your tanks on the overstocked side.
How big to Hong Kong plecs get?

Does the fish look thin, skinny?
Check the anus of the fish to see if it looks enlarged, or red and inflamed.
What does it look like when your fish go to the toilet?
Do any of your fish show signs of a curved spine.

The mark on the fish does it look pink, or red, with a circling of dead white tissue around the edges?

Hi Wilder,

The HongKong only gets to 4cm and currently he's 2cm. Just want him in an established aquarium to get a little bigger before he goes into my new tank.

The fish isn't skinny and is eating fine. Just he releases bubbles as he he's from this hole. Worse today. His anus is fine and the wound is pink with the white tissue as u mentioned.
No curvatures and toilet is normal dark.
Never heard of a Hong Kong Plec before. Just needed to check.

Also wanted to rule out dwarf gourami disease out.

It sounds like an ulcer.
Will get you some good information on ulcers.

Can you isolate the sick fish. As this medication will wipe the good bacteria out in your filter.

JBL Furanol 2.

Never heard of a Hong Kong Plec before. Just needed to check.

Also wanted to rule out dwarf gourami disease out.

It sounds like an ulcer.
Will get you some good information on ulcers.

Can you isolate the sick fish. As this medication will wipe the good bacteria out in your filter.

JBL Furanol 2.


Thanks for this!

I can put him into my smaller tank but it has endler guppys and an apple snail in, will this damage any of them?
Never heard of a Hong Kong Plec before. Just needed to check.

Also wanted to rule out dwarf gourami disease out.

It sounds like an ulcer.
Will get you some good information on ulcers.

Can you isolate the sick fish. As this medication will wipe the good bacteria out in your filter.

JBL Furanol 2.


Thanks for this!

I can put him into my smaller tank but it has endler guppys and an apple snail in, will this damage any of them?

Just looked and JBL furanol 2 isn't available in the uk :( I'll get the metafix for now and serif amazon have furanol I can ship over!
It will wipe the good bacteria out in your other tank filter.
Would need to move the snail.

The ulcer sounds bad, and needed to recommend a good med. furanol 2 is a good med to use in advance bacteria infections.

Anti internal bacteria med by interpet. (Only effective on mild bacteria infections)
Esha 2000 (Only effective on mild bacteria infections)
These 2 med will not wipe your good bacteria out in your filter.
Hi, is API Furan 2 the same? Because that is available on amazon here.

Never came across the med before so can't really give you any advice.
It does say it treats gram positive, gram negative bacteria. Which is good.
But it doesn't say anything about wiping your good bacteria out in your filter.

You could go over to tropical discussion and start a thread on the medication.
See if members have used the med, and offer there opinions on the med.
Never came across the med before so can't really give you any advice.
It does say it treats gram positive, gram negative bacteria. Which is good.
But it doesn't say anything about wiping your good bacteria out in your filter.

You could go over to tropical discussion and start a thread on the medication.
See if members have used the med, and offer there opinions on the med.

I have been using the melafix since Wednesday and the hole is getting worse. The gourami is a sure fighter, still eating but is going to the surface for air all the time and loosing everything through the hole. The hole is bigger now and today there's a tiny but of blood on the wound and his poo is now clear. Not sure what else I can do now :(
Melafix is only good as antiseptic. Once cuts and wounds are healing.
You need to be using an internal bacteria medication.

Not sounding to promising.
Do you have any other bacterial medications?
Melafix is only good as antiseptic. Once cuts and wounds are healing.
You need to be using an internal bacteria medication.

Not sounding to promising.
Do you have any other bacterial medications?

Oh! I bought that because that was the treatment recommended on the site you posted :( ... I was usuing myxazin up until then. I have plenty of that.. should I start with that again??
I saw they mentioned melafix. I thought not a good choice.

I would suggest anti internal bacteria med by interpet. as it does treat ulcers.
You can double dose in severe cases. But for now I would just start off with the recommended dose.

Myxazin by waterlife more for finrot, mouth fungus. I think I would do a 50% water change, and add the myxazin by waterlife. Need to remove the melafix with a large water change.

Myxazin by waterlife does treat ulcers. But your is a bad case. Just hope it not to late.
I saw they mentioned melafix. I thought not a good choice.

I would suggest anti internal bacteria med by interpet. as it does treat ulcers.
You can double dose in severe cases. But for now I would just start off with the recommended dose.

Myxazin by waterlife more for finrot, mouth fungus. I think I would do a 50% water change, and add the myxazin by waterlife. Need to remove the melafix with a large water change.

Myxazin by waterlife does treat ulcers. But your is a bad case. Just hope it not to late.

Thank you for your support, and I don't mean to sound ungrateful but I don't think it's a good idea to post advice that you don't agree with. I've done everything I've been advised to in the hope I'd help my fish and it looks like I've wasted six days £10 and he's worse rather than going with something that could have saved him. I came because I didn't want that to happen.
Melafix can used for ulcers. But it depends on how bad the ulcer is,. I thought your fish sounded pretty bad, so recommended some other medications instead.

Information taken from the link.

In the case of severe or recurrent ulcers (including those accompanied by Pop-Eye or Dropsy), these may require antibiotic treatment from the vet.

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