

Jan 14, 2013
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I kinda want to pet my bamboo shrimp's fuzzy little hands...I mean, I know I'm not going to, but I want to...the same way you see a raccoon and go "awwww I want to hug it!"...even though you know it would probably tear your face off...  I am not in any way saying a bamboo shrimp is capable of tearing your face know what I never know
Anyone else want to play with their fish?
I like it when I have had my typhus shrimp out of their normal tank and needing to put them back after I have finished doing what I was doing in their tank. Its fun to hold the shrimp  carefully in your hand, then slowly open your fingers and wait to see how long the shrimp will hang out on your hand in the water back in their tank.
I do the same with my large bristle noses ( catching by hand is safer for everyone rather than nets coz they get tangled in the mesh), often the bristle nose will stay on your hand for quite sometime even hiding on the underside of your hand until they see their usual hollow and take off.
I will state here that these acts are only done during tank/ stock maintenance, not just because I had a whim to annoy or play with my fish. Should have also said typhus shrimp are usually a hand catch shrimp because they just run out of nets, not leap or flip like normal shrimp they do actually make a bolt for it and if your not ready they will go crashing to the ground.
I have never had the urge to pat any of my fish but my Betta
 is always looking for attention from me and sure does seem like he wants me to pat / hold him.  I never have touched him as I heard it destroys their slime coat so I do everything to avoid letting him touch my hand.  But whenever I clean the tank and move plants etc around he sticks to me like glue.  He just won't leave me alone and I'm afraid one day I might hurt him by moving without noticing him behind the leaf of a sword next to me.  He would be happy if I held him in the palm of my hand and just floated my hand in the water.  
Yeah I had (until unfortunate betta encounter) a guppy that would nibble on me when I was cleaning the tank, was so weird!  And back when I was a kid we acquired a tank from my aunt and it had a golden dojo loach, except it was the kind with the red eyes eep! and he absolutely loved attention, not like we'd pick him up on purpose but he'd come and nibble and nibble and nibble and thread through your fingers like it was great fun.

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