Hi! New here


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Pet of the Month 🎖️
May 13, 2023
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Thought I'd make an introduction post!

I joined this forum hoping to learn as much as I can before I get my first fish tank! I've been doing research for awhile now (a few months), and I think understand all the basics (nitrogen cycle, etc.) but there's always more to learn, which is why I joined this forum!

I've never had any fish before, but I do have other types of animals! (guinea pigs, budgies, dogs)

Thanks for having me, I'm super happy to be here! :)
Thanks everyone!

Welcome! What are you thinking for your first tank?
I haven’t fully decided yet, but I’m leaning towards a ten gallon with a betta in it (and maybe a snail too). I know there’s not much else that can fit in there (along with the betta) so it’d probably just be the betta and a mystery snail. :)
My 2c is that a 10 gallon can actually be harder than something bigger. Less water means less wiggle room when things go wrong. I'd really suggest attempting a 20 or 30 gallon if you have the space. I think you'll actually find it easier to manage in the long run! And you can add something like corys along with the betta.
My 2c is that a 10 gallon can actually be harder than something bigger. Less water means less wiggle room when things go wrong. I'd really suggest attempting a 20 or 30 gallon if you have the space. I think you'll actually find it easier to manage in the long run! And you can add something like corys along with the betta.
Thank you for the advice! This is exactly why I joined , your expertise is really appreciated! I’m going to go and measure the place I have for the aquarium and see if a 20 gallon can fit there, since I would love to have some Corys as well (although I’m not sure about the sand 🙃). Thanks again!
Welcome! I think you'll have fun in the hobby. Enjoy!

P.S. - I 100% agree with going bigger, if you can. More options, and more room for error as you're learning.
Well, welcome aboard... :hi:

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