Hi Everyone!


Mostly New Member
Jan 19, 2014
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Hi all, this seems just like the place for me.  I just wish I'd found the site before.
I've been keeping tropical fish for a few years now; that's it, just keeping them and the fact they've stayed alive is more down to luck than anything else.
Anyway, my luck recently ran out. I bought some neon tetras to try and brighten the tank up a bit and then three things happened at once. I had a bacteria crash, a Ph crash and an outbreak of ich.  Lost all but one of my clown loaches and most of the other fish too.
Firstly, it turns out that I was reading the Ph scale incorrectly from the test kit and the fish were swimming in very acidic water. Secondly, I only did water changes when I felt like it . . . . . well I won't bore you with the rest.
So, getting back to normal now. Ph is around 7.4, ammonia zero, nitrates around 20ppm and reasonably clear water. I finish treating for White Spot in two days time and all the fish seem pretty healthy.
Going to get myself a small quarantine tanks and all the bits and start doing the job properly now.
:hi: to the forum, Glen :)
I hope we can help you be a little more successful in the hobby than you've been so far!
Hello and 

Oh dear, sounds like you have been through a bit of a learning curve, lets hope you'll pick things up and we can help you.
If you get stuck, just post a question and we'll be happy to help out.
Hope you enjoy the forum!

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