Hi Everyone My First Venture Into Fish


Fish Fanatic
Feb 13, 2014
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Hi everyone
I hope I'm putting this in the right place I'm not used to forums etc ....I have  a 64litre tank with 3 golden barbs, 3 zebra danios, 5 neon tetra , a rabbit snail called captain nemo because he keeps climbing onto my sunken submarine I have in the tank, and I have a mountain shrimp which I never see but he's called jimbo after our local football team manager and our team nickname is the shrimps ( Morecambe fc) I have 2 live plants which are growing rapidly :) and a couple of other ornaments so not too crowded but places to hide and venture into for jimbo and captain nemo :)
Thanks for reading this looking forward to reading all about your fish and hopefully will pick up tips along the way.
to TFF! Hope you enjoy it here.
Hi All
I was going to put a picture of my tank and little fish etc but I don't think i'm allowed to yet ?  but hopefully will in the near future thanks for the lovely welcome :)
I know there is a way to upload directly to the website but have yet to figure it out myself so usually just use a photo sharing website such as photobucket & then link here. :)
Thanks Mariah :) I'm on a learning curve so watch out for silly questions
if you click the more reply options on bottom right when your replying you can post pics from there :)
nortonmad213 said:
if you click the more reply options on bottom right when your replying you can post pics from there
Oh gosh how could I have not seen that this whole time. I've even read to do that before and I was like "WHERE IS MORE REPLY OPTIONS?!" 
oh nin and your supposed to be the chatroom mod lol :p
see ive finally been helpful

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