Hi Everybody


New Member
Sep 6, 2012
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Hi everybody, I'm Serrie,

I currently have two tanks, ones with 2 lyretail mollies, a guppy, a red minor tetra, a platy, and 4 rosey reds. The rosy reds are supposed to be for my dwarf crayfish, but he's more interested in plants, and I tend to get attached to the minnows with cool markings on them, so they get put in the main tank with my tropical fish.

The second tank only contains lots of aquatic plants and rosey red minnows, there was a blue dwarf crayfish in there, but my stepfather seemed to have taken a liking to him because he's now in his tank in the living room instead of mine lol. I plan on getting a new blue dwarf crayfish on Saturday, and hopefully I can get him to trade with me lol, especially after it eats some of his fish.

The last fish I have is a little guppy fry, about a month old in a one gallon tank. I work at a pet store and someone left the poor little guy on our front step, so I took him home with me.

I'm new to the forum but as I said before, I work at a pet store in the fish department, and I've owned fish for about 4 years now.

So that's all I really had to say, it's nice to meet everyone n.n

Oh! Actually, since you're reading this: My three tiny rosie red minnows in my main tank have started to school with my guppy. It's adorable n.n
Welcome to the forum.

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