Hi All


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2012
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Hi im Tony

I bean doing freshwater fisg for about 20 years now and now Im going to do salt. I want to do a mantis shrimp tank or fish-only(with crabs/snails).

My saltwater will be 48 gallons.
My Freshwater will be 58 gallons.

Maybe start a journal of your progress in the Marine section? We love to see how tanks develop!

Maybe start a journal of your progress in the Marine section? We love to see how tanks develop!

I will be move soon. It wont be any time soon that I will have my salt water tank up.
Hey Tony, good to see you here! We need to see some photos. ;)
Welcome to TFF.

Mantis shrimps are great! Though did find mine to be a bit tempermental in terms of which snails and crabs he decided to kill.

Mine was just a common little green "pest" Gonodactylaceus falcatus but he was great, had him in a Fluval Edge for ages and now he lives in someones sump.

I taught him to hop through a jump (upside down bubble wand) for a reward (bit of prawn from a pair of tongs). Very intelligent creatures!!
That would have been a great video to see...a little stomatopod circus of sorts!
Would have been! I lost all photos and videos when some selfish person broke into the office at work and stole my phone (and car keys, bank cards etc).

I havea few photos of the tank knocking about but matis shrimps really are incredible! Their eyes are amazing, the way you can actually see them locking on and watching you!! You could always feel him staring at you wherever you were in the room!

Oh and he was called Mr Googles (he had great big googly eyes).

Tony, a bit of research and planning and a mantis is incredibly easy to keep!

Meant to add...

Best source of information on Mantis Shrimps imo!


And here is the one describing the species I had:


(if you look at the photos on the right, Mr Googles was like the lime green one)

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