Hi All, New Here


Fish Fanatic
Apr 25, 2013
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Hi All, just like to say hello to everyone and tell you a little about my setup i have.......

Fluval Roma 240 
 (240 Litres / Aquarium 120 x 40 x 55 cm)
25kg Silver Sand
One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W 106.68cm (42in) T8
One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W 106.68cm (42in) T8
Fluval 306 External Filter
Fluval E Series Heater 300watt,
Min temp for the tank without the heater kicking in and with lights off 27.0/27.5C
Max temp for tank without heater on and with lights on 28.0/28.5C

2x Ludwigia Arcuata

Hydrocotyle Tripartita
2x Nymphaea Lotus
2x Nesaea Crassicaulis
Dont Know What The One On The Bogwood Is. More plants coming soon


5x Harlequin Rasbora (1 Female/4 Males)
Picking 4 to 6 Cory's up 2day from my LFS



Many thanks.. iv just turned the lights on and iv got a Planarian worm on the glass will a clean of the sand and the corys get rid of this?
Never heard of that worm in the tank. I'd remove it by hand if you can.

Also loose the bubbles/air pumps. Your plants are your natures air pump xD
I agree with Tech, if you remove the worm by hand, then do so.
That's a good looking tank there, once the plants grow in a bit more, that'll look wonderful. How about you start a journal, so we can see progress? (And if you want to keep the bubbles, do so.)
I didnt no you could have the tank without the bubbles when you've got plants this is my first live plant tank so its all now to me..years ago i had a 4ft tank with a oscor in and another with angles, beta, tetras clowns, plec ect and a breeding tank for the angles. This time i want some fish iv had before but mostly things that i havent.....might get rid or change the bubbles for diffrent once cos dont like the effect the bubble walls doing...
Has for the worm its white/milky colour about 1cm long its got a spear/triangle head. think its cos i havent a cleaning crow in yet so every 3days i clean the top of the sand and food that hasnt been eaten..and ill look into the journal thing. getting more plants just got them for the start of the tank.
Went to LFS to pick the four corys up today. Dont know the name of them so if anyone knows let me know please?.
While we was there we saw some glass catfish so going to get two next week




defoecurtis said:
While we was there we saw some glass catfish so going to get two next week
I've never owned any myself, but here's what I've heard from people who have.  Glass cats are among the shyest and most easily startled fish.  They're also schooling fish which means two won't be enough.  They are quite unsociable to other fish.  They really don't like light, so hiding places are important.  And they are more active at night, I believe.
Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.  Again, I've never owned those fellas, but I've heard a lot about them.
EDIT: changed "bad word," into "fellas."  Sorry mods!  But that word isn't considered bad in America  d:D
NeonBlueLeon said:
While we was there we saw some glass catfish so going to get two next week
I've never owned any myself, but here's what I've heard from people who have.  Glass cats are among the shyest and most easily startled fish.  They're also schooling fish which means two won't be enough.  They are quite unsociable to other fish.  They really don't like light, so hiding places are important.  And they are more active at night, I believe.
Anyone correct me if I'm wrong.  Again, I've never owned those fellas, but I've heard a lot about them.
EDIT: changed "bad word," into "fellas."  Sorry mods!  But that word isn't considered bad in America 
iv looked into the amount and going to get 6 and im going to reed more about them...
went to LFS again today and got
two Dalmatian Mollys
two Marbled Sailfin Mollys
4 Furcata rainbows
think thats the right names for them
the guy in the shop said black angel fish are hard to get hold of its this correct are the rare in the uk? 
does anyone know of good sites so i can look-up fish and see the information bout them?
When to PAH today just for a brush for a Labrador puppy (andrex puppy) we are getting next week. Went passed the fish (Was not planing to get fish) and we walked out with
The brush lol
a black male molly to go with our females
6 Gold/Golden Barbs (1 Female/ 5 Males) didnt know the sex till got home and researched  them
4 Platy (2 red and 2 half gold and black)
2 glass/Ghost catfish has was cheeper then my LFS
and 3 new plants 2 Echinodorus rose and a java fern
going to put pictures up 2morrow has we've rearaged the tank and we found the body of the Furcata rainbows we lost the other day.
OO nearly forgot to mention that our corys are hidding under the sand been reading and this is very rare to see. They are fine when they come back out of the sand been doing it for last few days.
Your beautiful is beautiful, not to mention those cory's
 !!!!! And i hate going to pet shops, i go in for one thing, leave without that one thing but bags of fish! God help us! :D
fishmad135 said:
Your beautiful is beautiful, not to mention those cory's
 !!!!! And i hate going to pet shops, i go in for one thing, leave without that one thing but bags of fish! God help us!
lol ya thats right when we got home that evening the wife said i wont another tank same size for other side of fire, so i said ya ok but well have cichlid in that tank :)
Hers the pics
New tank setup



Glass catfish





Golden Barbs


Black Molly Male




From your other thread about the barbs - you have too big a male to female ratio - suggested ratio is usually 1 male with a harem of females to stop the harassment you've already encountered.
Mamashack said:
From your other thread about the barbs - you have too big a male to female ratio - suggested ratio is usually 1 male with a harem of females to stop the harassment you've already encountered.
yes getting more females in 35mins

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