Fish Fanatic
Hi All, just like to say hello to everyone and tell you a little about my setup i have.......
Fluval Roma 240 (240 Litres / Aquarium 120 x 40 x 55 cm)
25kg Silver Sand
One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W 106.68cm (42in) T8
One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W 106.68cm (42in) T8
Fluval 306 External Filter
Fluval E Series Heater 300watt,
Min temp for the tank without the heater kicking in and with lights off 27.0/27.5C
Max temp for tank without heater on and with lights on 28.0/28.5C
2x Ludwigia Arcuata
Hydrocotyle Tripartita
2x Nymphaea Lotus
2x Nesaea Crassicaulis
Dont Know What The One On The Bogwood Is. More plants coming soon
5x Harlequin Rasbora (1 Female/4 Males)
Picking 4 to 6 Cory's up 2day from my LFS
Fluval Roma 240 (240 Litres / Aquarium 120 x 40 x 55 cm)
25kg Silver Sand
One Power-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W 106.68cm (42in) T8
One Aqua-Glo Fluorescent Aquarium Tube 40W 106.68cm (42in) T8
Fluval 306 External Filter
Fluval E Series Heater 300watt,
Min temp for the tank without the heater kicking in and with lights off 27.0/27.5C
Max temp for tank without heater on and with lights on 28.0/28.5C
2x Ludwigia Arcuata
Hydrocotyle Tripartita
2x Nymphaea Lotus
2x Nesaea Crassicaulis
Dont Know What The One On The Bogwood Is. More plants coming soon
5x Harlequin Rasbora (1 Female/4 Males)
Picking 4 to 6 Cory's up 2day from my LFS