Hey; Has Anybody Gotten Windows 7 Yet?


Fish Addict
Sep 17, 2009
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Ontario, Canada (If you want to know my city you'r
Yes, well; on Saturday, the computer dude came, because my copy of Windows 7 (from Dell; my laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1545 which is just *LOVELY*, btw :) ) came on Thursday or sommat; he installed Windows 7 on my computer!!!! :hyper:

He made a drive partition on my computer, so Windows Vista is still there, on the D:) drive I think (but ain't about to go check :p ), around 60GB, or something; and, Windows 7 has the larger portion, around 1.... maybe 70? GB. Well, around 170GB, that's for sure. :)

Haha; it's like having two computers in one! :lol: Except now that whenever I turn on the computer it immediately asks me if I want to load Windows 7 or Windows Vista, which is a minor pain in the butt, but I don't mind; LOL. :p

Hee hee hee; Windows 7 *is* great. :)
Yes, well; on Saturday, the computer dude came, because my copy of Windows 7 (from Dell; my laptop is a Dell Inspiron 1545 which is just *LOVELY*, btw :) ) came on Thursday or sommat; he installed Windows 7 on my computer!!!! :hyper:

He made a drive partition on my computer, so Windows Vista is still there, on the D:) drive I think (but ain't about to go check :p ), around 60GB, or something; and, Windows 7 has the larger portion, around 1.... maybe 70? GB. Well, around 170GB, that's for sure. :)

Haha; it's like having two computers in one! :lol: Except now that whenever I turn on the computer it immediately asks me if I want to load Windows 7 or Windows Vista, which is a minor pain in the butt, but I don't mind; LOL. :p

Hee hee hee; Windows 7 *is* great. :)

Until I try it, I'm assuming it's overly hyped because of how crap Vista was and it is so easy to follow-up with a half decent system. I think we should all be upgraded from Vista to windows 7 for having the burden of it.
I was meant to receive my new Windows 7 Samsung R520 today, but it never came :angry:. After staying in all day and specifically paying for a Monday delivery!

I'm using XP at the moment, I know Vista is a pain-in-the-but and wouldn't even bother trying it on my current laptop even though I know it would run.
I keep hearing mixed reviews on 7. I bought Vista fairly early on and regretted it. I switched at that point to Linux and haven't really looked back. I'd consider installing 7 if it starts getting consistently good reviews, but I'm not risking wasting cash on it ATM, until I'm sure it's actually worth spending money on. I find it un-likely that I'd switch back to Windows again now, unless 7 is something truly special. It don't sound like it by the reviews on it ATM.
I'm an IT consultant and have not and never will touch vista! however Windows 7 is very very good! we have been running beta copies for about 8 months and I now have a dual boot with XP just in case, for general users its fantastic if you've got any particular software you use then just double check it runs before taking the leap but IMO its a step forward at last!! XP is seriously old now!
Can you confirm if 7 has an XP compatibility mode in which you can run programs written for XP. They claimed it did have such a feature at one point, but I know a lot of people aren't able to use the software that worked on XP with 7/Vista...
I think with Windows 7.... Pro, and up, that feature for Windows XP Mode is available. :D You might wanna get Windows 7 Business, though; just in case....? :/ I dunno. I really like Windows 7 so far! :lol: But, of course, I still love my Vista, however outrageous that may be. <3 I think Word is broken on Windows 7, or something of that sort. >:/
I have to laugh if Microsoft's own software don't work with their own software... They didn't really think it though first did they if that's the case. Oh, wait, they will have done. If old Word don't work, you'll have to buy new Word, so that's more £ for them :rolleyes:

Mind you, Office 2000 supposedly didn't work with Vista, but it did if you prodded at it for a bit to get around the thing preventing it installing...
I have to laugh if Microsoft's own software don't work with their own software

same thing happened with Apple and Snow-leopard if I remember rightly....

Windows 7 is great....and not just compared to Vista, it's their best o/s yet.
I'll believe that when I see good reviews on it consistently. I haven't seen that since 2kpro though... :rolleyes:

Shouldn't get compatibility issues with Linux. Almost all Linux software conforms to ISO standards, most of which makes backwards compatibility a requirement... On paper, this Linux software will work on mac, since mac is a Linux distro (Linux is a term to describe any OS running on a Unix type core. Mac runs on a Unix core and is therefore a Linux Distro...) :good:
Be honest I am going to wait a while before even thinking about getting Windows 7.

I installed Ubuntu about 7 months ago on one of my Laptops and to be honest I love it so simple, smooth, safe and efficient oh and its free!

Being a bit of a cynical old git I am still trying to find the catch but as of yet I have not found one, Sure there are some issues with getting software for some applications, but you can dual boot with windows XP if you want.

I am seriously thinking of installing it on my Desktop to :good:

Keep the feed back on 7 coming :good: but be honest it would have to be real special for me to go with it, I am kind of tiered of Microsoft's money swallowing attitude :no:
I've found the hitch to Ubuntu. No support you can pay for. It's all provided free by the community of users, though forums and such like. Complex or simple issues people tend not to help with as they take time or they feel they are wasting it answering your thread. Medium difficulty issues get good help though. Oh, shops tend to give you a blank look if you ask them about Linux/Mac issues too. Mind you, Mac/Linux users typically know what they are doing with computers and/or find their systems intuative to use, so tend not to need help all that often.

I haven't found anything there isn't an app for yet for stuff I could do on Windows. I couldn't use Ubuntu with Photobucket on Jaunty, but new Koala has that little issue fixed :hyper:

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