Hey, Can Someone Tell Me If This Is Ok For A Tropical Setup?


Fish Addict
Apr 24, 2012
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Ok so basically I have my eye on this 250L fish tank.
Length = 102.7cm
Height = 74.5cm
Depth = 47.7cm

This is what I wanted to put in it
4 x Banded Gourami. 4 x 12cm = 48cm
8 x Congo Tetra. 8 x 8cm = 64cm
2 x Bristlenose Catfish. 2 x 10cm = 20cm
1 x Angelfish. 1 x 13cm = 13cm
Total = 145cm

I've checked compatibility already but you can never check too much :)
The reason I've only put one Angelfish is because I've been told they sometimes fight each other.

If you have any suggestions or criticisms feel free to tell me.

Thanks guys,
Errr, maybe I'm being dim here (odds are good) but the "rule" is 1 inch per gallon - does that transcribe into cm/L?

Also that rule is not very strict and most people don't follow it as you have to consider filtration and where in the tank each type of fish lives.

I hope someone else chimes in here!
The 1 inch per gallon rule is the equivalent of 0.67cm fish per litre. So for a 250 litre tank, that's 167cm fish.

If you believe in the 1 inch per gallon rule.
Well the guys at the store told me 1cm per 1L but they are a bit stupid.
Anyway I am aware that the amount of waste fish produce can affect the amount of fish in a tank,
But what I was really looking for was compatibility, but thanks for the answers so far. :lol:

Could someone also tell me if Discus would be suitable to add into the mix down the line.

Scratch that about the Discus they are too hard to take care of from what I've seen.
Here we go TekFish.
Do you have any idea what kind of tap water you have? The fish you have chosen are best suited to a "soft water" tank. If that is not your situation, tell us what you do have for water and maybe we can guide you to similar fish that will work for you.
Here we go TekFish.
Do you have any idea what kind of tap water you have? The fish you have chosen are best suited to a "soft water" tank. If that is not your situation, tell us what you do have for water and maybe we can guide you to similar fish that will work for you.

Certainly, my friend is a window cleaner and can provide me with all the reverse-osmosis water I need the pH will be around 7 and it will be soft.
Lose the congo's imo i have 10 of them and they getting that big i will need to rehouse them if they dont stop and thats in my 350L
It only said in my fish book they would grow to 8 cm... :/
Huh, are you sure they we are talking about the same Congo tetra because I've heard there is more than one type...

I'm talking about Phenacogrammus interruptus

Maybe your tanks in such good condition they are growing beyond they're natural capability...lol.
yup im a sure what the fish are :lol: :good:

They do get very very well looked after, when they were young they were feed 4 times a day to big them up and got 50% water changes every 4 days without fail, to be fair all the fish in that tankare above normal my cardinals are huge as are my apisto. I use to dose their food with Astaxanthin :hyper:
Hopefully they won't grow as big in my tank :lol:

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