

New Member
Apr 29, 2012
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I bought a pair of black mollies. Well, one's a female. She had babies a while back, and seven have survived. They're about twice as big as they were when they were born. Now the mollie had another batch!

I have a 15 gallon tank with 10 adults. What do I do with all of these fish? Also how do you tell a female black mollie from a male?
If you look at the anal fin (that's the one near their bottom), you can easily tell males and females apart. Males have a rod shaped structure called a gonopodium, while females have a normal, fan shaped fin.

Some fish shops will take in unwanted fry, though they probably won't give you any money for them. Or you could give them away on Gumtree/Freecycle/Craiglist, whatever's active where you are.
LFS. ;) Seperate the males from the females so they won't breed at least. Or get rid of all the males or females. Let the new batch of fry survive on their own. Or another, more expensive option would be to upgrade your tank.
Welcome to our forum Riverotter. I have a link in my signature that will take you to a thread that will help you identify the gender of your fish.
As far as the fry explosion is concerned, just leave the fry in the main tank. They will reach an equilibrium level in that tank that represents all of the capacity that the tank has with the way you are maintaining it.

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