Fish Fanatic
Hi, I am new to fish forums and want to first start off by saying thank you to all who become good help for me. First problem, my asian needle nose gar has a red oval looking birds eye view at him, i dont know what it is. I dont know how to post pictures but i will if i need to. Second off whats a permanent solution for reducing ammonia in a fish tank. My tank is a 3.0 ppm of ammonia with bio filter fluval, 65 gallon tank with 1 angel fish(1 inch) 1 asian needle nose gar(8 inch) 1 tiretrack eel (8 inch) 4 rainbow fish (1-3 inch) 1 black ghost knife fish (5 inch) 1 tilapia ( 1 inch) and 1 blue crayfish(3 inch)
This is the story, I was cycling the tank and then i took my water sample to a different store that does strips which I did not know of at the time. They said it was cycled and then i bought some more fish. take a water sample to the original store and they tell me its bad. They said let the tank ride through this ammonia, 3 weeks later it never did. So I decided to start with water changes at 30-40 percent every week. its still not working and I am putting in prime water conditioner. i already got rid of 5 other fish just to reduce the load, but i feed every three days.
This is the story, I was cycling the tank and then i took my water sample to a different store that does strips which I did not know of at the time. They said it was cycled and then i bought some more fish. take a water sample to the original store and they tell me its bad. They said let the tank ride through this ammonia, 3 weeks later it never did. So I decided to start with water changes at 30-40 percent every week. its still not working and I am putting in prime water conditioner. i already got rid of 5 other fish just to reduce the load, but i feed every three days.