Help With Sward Plant


Fish Fanatic
Feb 2, 2012
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I am new to planted tanks. So I am pretty sure this was a sword plant. The new growth on to ? is that a new little plant I can trim and replant. It looks like it has some roots?? I also think i am getting just a little black alge. I know someone mentioned it in a post when seeing my plant. I am right now in the mid of getting all the right ferts and supplements for plants. I read that black alge is phophats (sp) and nitrites missing in water or am I off. Haven't had time to go through all the alge boards yet Any ways my main question is about the little plant that has bloomed on the top of my plant and if I can replant it. THANKS


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I'm not that familiar with Amazon swords but it certainly looks like a little plantlet you can plant somewhere else!  I didn't realise they put plantlets out on runners like that.
Does the algae look like little clumps of hair or is it more like a slime which comes off when you wipe it?
daizeUK said:
I'm not that familiar with Amazon swords but it certainly looks like a little plantlet you can plant somewhere else!  I didn't realise they put plantlets out on runners like that.
Does the algae look like little clumps of hair or is it more like a slime which comes off when you wipe it?
 HI again thanks for dropping in.You seem to be answer all my questions or at least trying :) which is ok with me. Its hard waiting around fo someone to respond ;) umm the alge is not hairy or slim it's pretty fine kind of like the brown stuff. But if I rub a bit I can get a little off and its not a lot just a very fine layer on some but not all the plant. I am guessing its because I really do not have a dosing routine yet with all the rite stuff. S you can see I am getting growth well at least new plants so.  I will watch as i get things fert and stuff figured out and make sure it does not grow on new plants. not sure what else to do. 
If the algae wipes off easily then I would say it is diatoms, which is very common in new setups.  But your pots and sand look very clean so I think you are right, the plant is wanting something.  Dosing the CO2 booster every day may help.
daizeUK said:
If the algae wipes off easily then I would say it is diatoms, which is very common in new setups.  But your pots and sand look very clean so I think you are right, the plant is wanting something.  Dosing the CO2 booster every day may help.
thanks I will keep you posted on how all my new java fern is doing. I took both from each corner and took all the new shoots and tied them on slate and rocks and hoping they will take off. Got ride of the bigger ones the roots were not very good after being planted. Just need to get all the right sup for plants that are not planted into the water.
Yep it's usually a good idea to trim the old roots anyway, java fern and anubias will soon grow new roots to grab hold of the rocks!  It may take a few weeks before they become properly fixed by themselves.  I find that anubias roots itself faster than java fern.

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