I have a 180 liter tank (juwel rio 180) - approx 47 US gallons (or so it calculates on google) and would like to stock it with subtropical fish. I do not wish to have a heater (tho I used to have tropical tanks) and the temperature in my tank stays around 19 C in the winter and goes up to 22 in the summer. The water in my region is quite hard tho I have never measured it myself.
I used to keep guppies in this unheated tank and they were breeding like crazy and were healthy even tho I know guppies are supposed to be in warmer tanks...
Anyhow - after doing some research on subtropical fish I found some that I was surprised to hear that can live in unheated tanks (like red and black phantom tetras)
So, I have compiled a list of a few not-to-hard-to-get fish that appeal to me, that apparently do fine in unheated tanks. I would like to stock my tank with these fish (not all of them of course) and I would appreciate your input. I would like a colorfull mix community tank
the list:
- red and black phantom tetras (I think they would look cool mixed together with no other species; but tetras need soft water, right? Also I am unsure wether they are really ok at such low temperatures but they were listed on a few web pages as suitable)
- platy (I like them cause they are hardy and you can get them in blue, green, orange...so they are a contrast to other colors of fish)
- guppy (by my own experience they thrive in unheated tank)
- Rosy barb ( I think they look nice as they just look "normal, standard" fish; it is also cool that they are bigger so there is some size variation in a tank. But I am affraid 180 liter tank is too small for them as they need to be in groups to not be nippy?
- Garra sp. (I already have one in my Glass catfish tank, he is great and the only one in the tank with a name
. I know they do OK in unheated tanks.
- SAE - had 3 in my unheated gupy tank and they were great. After that they were moved in with my goldies (unheated tank) where they thrived as well but I rehomed them when I had to cut down on aquariums). I genuinely like their metallic scales and bold black line.
- Corydoras trilineatus - I heard they are happy in unheated tanks. Not sure how I feel about them at the moment. They do look cute but I don't thik I will have sand at the bottom (I have peebles at the bottom now) so...But I am not sure yet...
bloodfin tetra (aphyocharax anisitsi) - another tetra that can supposedly live in unheated tank ?
Puntius semifasciolatus - great looking fish IMO. I like "standard" looking fish. But similar as withy rosy barb, I am not sure my tank is big enough for them and than some other fishes
Danio albolineatus - I fell in love with the very colorfull variety of this species. Tho some exaples of Danio albolineatus X roseus are even more stunning. I would really like to have some of this colorful fish.
Danio jaintianensis - I like this danio, just not as much as D.albolineatus, D. roseus.
White cloud mountain minnow - I just love these fish (all forms) and I almost think they are a must in this tank, in combination with some of the abovementioned fish.
As for bottomdwellers (apart from corydoras for which I am not sure) I was thinking about amano shrimp. I am not sure how they would go with barbs tho (if I do decide on barbs).
So can you give me any input? What fish (combination of fish) from the above would you have in a 180 unheated tank? (You are also welcome to suggest some other species tho I have to say I want color and mix in this tank)
I have a 180 liter tank (juwel rio 180) - approx 47 US gallons (or so it calculates on google) and would like to stock it with subtropical fish. I do not wish to have a heater (tho I used to have tropical tanks) and the temperature in my tank stays around 19 C in the winter and goes up to 22 in the summer. The water in my region is quite hard tho I have never measured it myself.
I used to keep guppies in this unheated tank and they were breeding like crazy and were healthy even tho I know guppies are supposed to be in warmer tanks...
Anyhow - after doing some research on subtropical fish I found some that I was surprised to hear that can live in unheated tanks (like red and black phantom tetras)
So, I have compiled a list of a few not-to-hard-to-get fish that appeal to me, that apparently do fine in unheated tanks. I would like to stock my tank with these fish (not all of them of course) and I would appreciate your input. I would like a colorfull mix community tank
the list:
- red and black phantom tetras (I think they would look cool mixed together with no other species; but tetras need soft water, right? Also I am unsure wether they are really ok at such low temperatures but they were listed on a few web pages as suitable)
- platy (I like them cause they are hardy and you can get them in blue, green, orange...so they are a contrast to other colors of fish)
- guppy (by my own experience they thrive in unheated tank)
- Rosy barb ( I think they look nice as they just look "normal, standard" fish; it is also cool that they are bigger so there is some size variation in a tank. But I am affraid 180 liter tank is too small for them as they need to be in groups to not be nippy?
- Garra sp. (I already have one in my Glass catfish tank, he is great and the only one in the tank with a name
- SAE - had 3 in my unheated gupy tank and they were great. After that they were moved in with my goldies (unheated tank) where they thrived as well but I rehomed them when I had to cut down on aquariums). I genuinely like their metallic scales and bold black line.
- Corydoras trilineatus - I heard they are happy in unheated tanks. Not sure how I feel about them at the moment. They do look cute but I don't thik I will have sand at the bottom (I have peebles at the bottom now) so...But I am not sure yet...
bloodfin tetra (aphyocharax anisitsi) - another tetra that can supposedly live in unheated tank ?
Puntius semifasciolatus - great looking fish IMO. I like "standard" looking fish. But similar as withy rosy barb, I am not sure my tank is big enough for them and than some other fishes
Danio albolineatus - I fell in love with the very colorfull variety of this species. Tho some exaples of Danio albolineatus X roseus are even more stunning. I would really like to have some of this colorful fish.
Danio jaintianensis - I like this danio, just not as much as D.albolineatus, D. roseus.
White cloud mountain minnow - I just love these fish (all forms) and I almost think they are a must in this tank, in combination with some of the abovementioned fish.
As for bottomdwellers (apart from corydoras for which I am not sure) I was thinking about amano shrimp. I am not sure how they would go with barbs tho (if I do decide on barbs).
So can you give me any input? What fish (combination of fish) from the above would you have in a 180 unheated tank? (You are also welcome to suggest some other species tho I have to say I want color and mix in this tank)