Help With My Betta Fin


Mostly New Member
Jul 13, 2013
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Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum and also new on dealing with fishes, as well with betta ones. I've got mine on March and I try my best to take care of him and yesterday I bought a plant to put inside his tank, but it didn't fit very well - a little bit big. It seemed my betta fish didn't like it either, like he became afraid of it or something. Schatten (it's his name) came closer to the plastic (but soft) plant and looked at it for a while, swimmed around but after that he just keeps himself at the corner of the tank. No problems with water or anything... nothing changed, but then I just noticed that maybe his fin got damaged on these few hours I left the plant inside the tank...
He didn't have this thin part separated from the bigger fin (sorry, I don't know the specific names by heart) and I'm really nervous about that, if it hurts or something. I already took the plant off the tank, but he seems more quiet than before... maybe stressed, I don't know. 
Could you guys tell me what will happen to this thin torned part of his fin? Will it heal, just stay like that or fall appart? Is there anything I can do for my fish? I hope you can help me. Thanks a lot.
What size is his tank?
What are the tank stats (ammonia, nitrite and nitrate)
Is the tank cycled?
Was the plant plastic, silk or live?
Also, :hi: to the forum

Gorgeous Betta BTW
The tank is small, just 2l. I don't use anything to check the water quality, but I use a product to regulate the chlorine and clean it every week. I just cycled it today, by the way. Never had problems with my fish and I just left him alone for like 4 hours and this happened :( that's why I think the plant, which was made of plastic, did the damage. 
Thanks for the greetings and the compliment! Schatten thanks you too :) hhehe
I'm afraid 2L is way too small. Bettas need a minimum of 15L, 20L preferably,
Does the tank have a filter?
How do you mean you "cycled" his tank today? How did you cycle it?
Plastic plants often do rip Bettas fins, Bettas fins are so delicate you have to be careful what you add to their tank. Only silk or live plants are safe for Bettas as they are softer and don't (usually) rip the Bettas fins.
I recommend that you try to upgrade Schatten to a 20L tank, 15L if you don't have room for a 20L. If you can go bigger, then by all means do so. I also recommend that you fish less cycle the upgraded tank, the instructions to do so are in the link in my signature, if you're going to cycle the tank then I strongly recommend that you buy a liquid test kit that measures ammonia and nitrite.
Yes, you're right, I know it's a small tank, but I'm afraid I would have no place to put such a big tank as a 20L one. Still, I'm going to see that during the week. But could you answer me if his fin will get better? I mean, what will happen to it and if I can do something by now with this 2L tank? I'm afraid if it will be separated forever or if there is any possibility to this separated part to reunite with natural healing, which means just taking good care of him (good water quality, food etc).
Giving him lots of clean, fresh, dechlorinated and warm water will help his fin heal nicely. Give him (at least) two 50% water changes daily. If you don't do this, his tail may get fin rot which isn't good. It will join together again over time, with plenty of freshwater you'll be seeing improvements in a week.
How warm is his water normally? If you don't know the temp of his water, what is the usual temp of the room he's in?
By 50% freshwater you mean I need to put new dechlorinated water or just take half of the water off and just add more from the sink?
He is always with me by the side of my computer, close to the notebook's cooler, so I believe it's a little bit warm for him lol... but I will manage to leave him in the sun now and then. Because when he's not here on my table, then he's on the bookcase in front of the window, where the sun shines during the day. Also Brazil is a warm place, even during the winter. I believe he's not suffering from low temps here! :)
Replace half of his water is what I mean. Make sure to use a dechlorinater and try to match the temp of the water in his bowl.
Ok. Thanks a lot for your help! When he gets better, I post the news around here.
His fin could improve with clean warm water.  The problem is with that small of a tank, it will be very difficult to maintain the level of clean that he needs to improve.  I know that he probably is warm in Brazil but optimum temps for bettas is 78F min but around 82F is best especially when healing.  The tank size is too small to add a heater which is the best way to keep the temperature stable which is important for bettas.  If you can not get a true tank, you might be able to get a rubbermaid/steralite tote/plastic bin that is around 10L which will allow you to have better luck with keeping the water clean for him and heal his fin.  Plus he will appreciate the room to move around.

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