Hi everyone, I've got the roma 125 (125 litres) With the APS 1000 external filter. Couple of days ago I re-homed some of my fish as I'm wanting to change things up a bit. I am currently left with: 12x corys, 6x rummynose tetra and a BN plec.
I'm really not that clued up on fish compatibility and have driven myself nuts last couple of days reading up on all sorts of fish, hence im looking for advice. My current thoughts (stock limits allowing) would be to increase the rummynose numbers to maybe 10-12, add another shoal of a very different shape fish, quite like the black ruby barb, and then maybe a centre piece fish? I know this may be pushing my limits which is also where I am looking for your guidance.
I really love cichlids, especially the German blue and the bolivan ram but neither is really suitable for various reasons I'm sure I don't need to tell you (aggression, sensitive to water conditions and the fact I have enough going on at the bottom of the tank). An angel or two would be nice but I believe my tanks not big enough. Pearl gouramis are out as these were one species I just rehomed. So this leaves me totally stuck.
I would love some suggestions, the more suggestions the better as I am sure there is hundreds of fish I'd love but either don't know about or haven't looked at properly. I really want to get my tank right this time around, something I love and that works well for the fish.
I'm really not that clued up on fish compatibility and have driven myself nuts last couple of days reading up on all sorts of fish, hence im looking for advice. My current thoughts (stock limits allowing) would be to increase the rummynose numbers to maybe 10-12, add another shoal of a very different shape fish, quite like the black ruby barb, and then maybe a centre piece fish? I know this may be pushing my limits which is also where I am looking for your guidance.
I really love cichlids, especially the German blue and the bolivan ram but neither is really suitable for various reasons I'm sure I don't need to tell you (aggression, sensitive to water conditions and the fact I have enough going on at the bottom of the tank). An angel or two would be nice but I believe my tanks not big enough. Pearl gouramis are out as these were one species I just rehomed. So this leaves me totally stuck.
I would love some suggestions, the more suggestions the better as I am sure there is hundreds of fish I'd love but either don't know about or haven't looked at properly. I really want to get my tank right this time around, something I love and that works well for the fish.