Help With Hatching Killifish?


New Member
May 15, 2013
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I recently ordered some killifish eggs online and they just arrived in the mail today. the instructions say to put them in water and to suction out the little fish with a turkey baster after they are free swimming and put them in a bowl......?
I read online somewhere that they need to be warm???? so I used a baby spoon and I scooped out about 5 eggs with the peat moss as I heard they don't hatch without the moss? and I put them in a container with some water, then I put them on top of the light for my 10 gallon tank, used some tape under the container so it doesn't fall. the light from the aquarium gets quite warm so I am hoping that will work to keep the water warm. it also said somewhere to gently blow air into the water with a straw every once in a while something about c02 or something? so ive been doing that.........
I used water from my fish tank in the bowl that I put the eggs in, I have a breeding trap thingy that I put in my tank and I put a little plant in it so they will have somewhere to hide or whatever, so my intentions are to suction the fish out of the bowl thing if and when they hatch and put them into the breeding trap until they are large enough to be freed.
am I doing this completely wrong?
I have a large Tupperware container and I have an underwater heater but its for a 10 gal and I think it would be too hot for just that small amount of water but should I try the eggs in there if this fails?
whats the best and cheapest way to hatch the killifish? and what should I keep them in once they hatch? will the trap in my tank be ok to raise them in? or maybe a fish bowl?
also theres some kind of tube sticking up from the breeding trap for air? do I need to hook up an air thingy to it or will they get enough air from the plants in my tank?


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