My 13 year old received a 30 gallon tank from his grandparents and was allowed to choose his own fish...perhaps you can see where this is going...he chose two male convicts but soon discovered that one was male and one was female. Since then they have bred several times. He also has a smaller tank where he put two or three sets of fry. The original breeding pair are doing their best to keep the population down even though they keep laying more eggs but the 50 some odd fry in the 15 gallon tank are obviously an issue. No local pet stores that we can find are interested in them and we haven't been successful in offering them on Craigslist plus we would rather not continue the cycle of uncontrollable breeding that may continue in someone else's aquarium. We can't afford to get any more equipment and I don't want to run the risk of getting a bigger tank only to have more breeding. So, are there any natural predators that we can introduce and eventually move into the thirty gallon tank?