Help! Trouble With Sand!


New Member
May 11, 2012
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Hi All,

So ive just upgraded my 30ltr tank and setting up my 90 ltr to run along side it temporarily. For my new big tank ive decided on Sand instead of gravel. I've just spent hours washing the sand and the water looked clear to me, so i've put the sand in the tank and put in a small amount of water to make sure it was clean enough. 20 minutes later the water is still very brown looking! I've already taken it out again once and rewashed it, do i really have to spend another hour doing the same again!? can i add more water and do a water change or 2 or will the filter sort the rest? don't want to just add the filter as i know sand can do it damage. So, Help! all advise welcomed! thanks :)
Because of the very fine grain size you will never fully clean sand. Did you buy aquarium sand or play sand? After washing the sand several times, the tank will settle after the initial filling, but this will take some time.
Try leaving the full tank over night. I bet the water is far clearer tomorrow unless you simply have too much filter flow. With too much filter flow it can easily start to look like this. Note the sand dunes starting to form.
I'd go ahead and do one more water change, and set a dinner plate on the sand and then a soup bowl on top of the plate. Fill your water into that bowl very slowly and let it spill over in the tank. This should greatly reduce clouding.

Then, I'd hook the filter up and stuff it with floss for a day or two before switching to normal media.

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