Help please


New Member
Sep 8, 2022
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Couple of question for two of my gosh

Firstly my beta fish has been laying in the corner for a couple of days now she will swim a little go around the tank then back to her same spot sometimes but is swimming fine and plays and then back to the same spot (1st pic)

Secondly my guppie has grown these black spots on the back of his tail never been there before just turned up this morning when I went to feed them
Is this normal? (2nd pic)

Thankyou xx


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Welcome to TFF

How long has the betta tank been set up? Is it cycled?

The guppy spots are normal; is it in the same tank as the betta?
It’s been a while now a good few months?
Yes all cycled regular checks too
Yes they’ve all been together as their female betas so after doing my research and being told guppies can be with female betas
What kind of test kit do you use? What kind of water conditioner?

When is the last time you tested for ammonia, nitrItes, and nitrAtes?
These are the test strips
I use the aqua care conditioner
Tested it today and yesterday and it was all in the green so it’s fine she’s just acting not herself
These are the strips


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Test "strips" can be inaccurate and unreliable, especially if aged...many of us use this kit, I recommend you get one ASAP, and run the three tests:

Post those results here

You also need a good quality water conditioner, when you run out of the one you have, get either Seachem Prime, or API Tap Water conditioner

How many female bettas are in the tank? Can you post more pics of the one that is poorly?

Couple of question for two of my gosh

Firstly my beta fish has been laying in the corner for a couple of days now she will swim a little go around the tank then back to her same spot sometimes but is swimming fine and plays and then back to the same spot (1st pic)

Secondly my guppie has grown these black spots on the back of his tail never been there before just turned up this morning when I went to feed them
Is this normal? (2nd pic)

Thankyou xx
The 2nd pic is normal

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