Help New Yellow Lab Holding!


Fish Crazy
May 14, 2008
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ok i just been given 3 yellow labs. 1 male 2 females. one female is holding.

what should i do ive never bred these before buy i have kept them.

ive only got a 2ft tank with goldfish in and fry jewel cichlids.

i can always take the jewels out and put in breeding net. but the goldfiosh will need to go into my main tank if i have to put her in a seprate tank..

help please
Goldfish, Jewels and Yellow Labs aren't a very good mix and a 2 foot tank isn't the best size for Yellow Labs let alone an additional goldfish. If you have a spare tank I would remove the holding female and place her in there and let her release naturally.
no the jewels are 1" but can be moved to another tank.
and the goldfish will be gone in 1 hour. will she be ok in the 2ft BY herself?

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