Help My Water Was 38 Degree's This Morning!


New Member
Nov 5, 2012
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Hello anyone and everyone this morning i woke up and saw that my sucker fish had passed away. As i went to get him out i noticed the water was very warm so i looked at the temperature and it said 38 degrees..obviously our heater has malfunctioned killing my sucker fish. our gold shark and silver shark were both still alive until approximately 6 hours later the gold fish passed away too. which was about 1 hour ago from this post.. i want to know if my silver shark is in danger?? he is vey big but the gold shark was alot smaller then the sucker fish and seemed to have lived an extra 6 hours to what we know at least.. please help we dont want him to pass too =(((((( the water is currently 31 degrees we've put as much cool water in as possible and are now leting our climate do the work (cold climate). i read that silver sharks are to be in no more then 29 degrees but he was in 38 .
oh an d it was 38 degrees celcius not farenheit
Sounds like you've done all you can by cooling the water (you could add ice cubes to slowly cool the water more if still needed). Hopefully no harm was done.

How is he behaving? Sounds like you will need to get a new heater ASAP.
How big is your tank? You are often better off having two smaller heaters and then if one goes rogue it takes longer for temps to get dangerous.

Hope your shark makes it...


Danny B
he is at a slow pace but his mouth hasnt stopped moving fast at all although he looks ok we cant tell if theres any internal damage due to his colour because we could see that the gold shark had been cooked =(

And to danny the tank is about 600x400 so its pretty big and thats a great idea we will ahve to get 2 smaller heaters this time because the one we have is a big submersible.. thank you every1 for helping and my girlfriend are very sad she loves loves loves all animals as do i.
I have two jbl heaters in my tank set to 26 degrees and when the water is at 26 they switch off til it starts dropping then they come back on, should try get them (don't know if all heaters do this as its my first tank) hope your shark is ok
yup i have a similar heater in my betta tank (siamese fighter) we are planning on getting 2 of those kind just a tad bigger..thanks for everyone's concerns

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