Help! My Julii Are Sick!


New Member
Mar 21, 2012
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Okay, So I bought my Julii cory about a month an a week ago. I bought them in groups of four - a week apart. So, I only have the eight cory in my 13 gallon tank. In the last week two weeks I have lost four of them. I'm not sure what they have and I don't want the last four to die ):

So, it seems the fish started to get red streaks along the black line on their side. Their gills are also pink to red in colour. They also are really shiny around the gills when I shine a light on them. Like shiny gold! Another thing i noticed is around the gill and stomach area the fish look like they have dents in them. I don't know how else to describe it? Maybe kind of lumpy, but inward? They don't scratch or flash against anything but sometimes they swim in an irritated erratic fashion sometimes.

The weird thing is they still seem healthy - they eat and swim around with each other.

The ones that died became super pale with pink bellies before they died.

My water conditions have been steady at:

Ph: 7-7.2
Amonnia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nirate: 5-10

Unfortunately I can't keep my tank cool and it sits between 80-84F most of the time. I bought a fan for the tank but, it hasn't come in the mail yet.
I change 30% of the water and vaccum the gravel once a week.

I started to worry so I gave them a bit of melafix about a week ago, thinking it was a bacterial infection. It didn't help, so I stopped.

I'm not sure what other meds I could use since I don't even know what's wrong with them.
I took some pictures but, they aren't that great in showing what I'm seeing.

Please help!
it sounds a ton like ammonia poisining but it may be gill flukes i would do a few 50% water changes in the nxt few days what are you using for the test kit liquid ones are better.
Why buy fish that cant suit your temperature? not very well researched? Sterbai corys would be far more happy at 80-84 degrees, but not in a 13 gallon, that's no space at all :/

As for a solution to your problem, i cant really put my finger on it either, it does sound very strange. Ammonia poisoning possible, but heat still springs to mind... :|
Why buy fish that cant suit your temperature? not very well researched? Sterbai corys would be far more happy at 80-84 degrees, but not in a 13 gallon, that's no space at all :/

As for a solution to your problem, i cant really put my finger on it either, it does sound very strange. Ammonia poisoning possible, but heat still springs to mind... :|

Unfortunately, when I moved to the new apartment I didn't know their building would be so hot. They have yet to turn on the air conditioning for the building. I have never experienced such high temperatures. Even I can't sleep at night right now with the weather getting warmer outside. I have complained to the landlord too.

As for test kits - I use API liquid test kits.

The longer I look at my fish though, I wonder if they have velvet? But it seems different from the velvet I've seen on other fish before.

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