Help! Is This Ich?


New Member
Jul 1, 2016
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I think my beta has ich, but I'm not really sure tho...I've already got some aquarium salt. Please I need answer ASAP, cuz I heard it gets worse over time...and if you guys know how to cure it please please please tell me. I moved him to a hospital tank this morning.
Hello! My fish recently also had Ich. Keep the fish in the hospital tank and add 1 tablespoon of salt for each gallon of water. Do 100% water changes DAILY, then add salt. Don't mix in new salt with the old salt already in the tank. This salt doesn't evaporate, it stays in the tank, so essentially you'd be adding 2 tablespoons. This much salt can kill your fish! Try this for about 7-10 days. If it gets worse or doesn't help you'll have to move onto medication. There are tons of Ich medicines in stores. Personally I have the Jungle Ich Guard. This got rid of Ich in a day for tank and three days for another tank. Just follow instructions on the bottle! Ich does get worse over time, but it's highly treatable. :) So don't worry.
Ich looks like your fish has been sprinkled with table salt. If you could get a good picture someone could identify it for you!
First can you please post a photo of the fish close up?
If it is ICH.
Raise the water temp to 30  degC over a few hours, You should see results in about 12 hours. No salt needed Keep the water temp at 30 for 7 days. If after 12 to 24 hours you do not see a big reduction in the white spots then use AQ salt, In most cases heat alone works.

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