Help Identifying Apistogramma's Please...


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2012
Reaction score
south shields
Just after help identifying some apistogrammas bought as A. vejita. However i am 90% sure they are not vejitas, and also not even a male and a female, i think they are female, and either A. macmasteri or A. cruzi.

This is the one i think is most likely to be a male, but i doubt it. it is just the brighter/larger speciemen.


The colours are very dull here, however she does show some colour quite regular... i have a feeling this may be a different species.


I have been trying to get better photos, but their soo hard to photograph. But basically their is 2 fish their, the top two photos are the suspect male, but i dont think so, and the bottom two are of the female... of what species i am unsure.

Any help is appreciated! :)
They look like all females to me,would where you bought them change one for a male?YL.
They look like all females to me,would where you bought them change one for a male?YL.

They where the last ones... and kind of grown attatched aswell. Great little characters, i would try buy a male.... but i'm not 100% on the species.

Also alot of places only sell them as "pairs" of two individual fish.

Also do the apistogramma species hybridise?

Little help needed to identify the species... please
I agree that they're all female. They could easily be of any of the 3 species you mentioned. Sorry, that's not all that helpful, but I do agree with you.
Apistogramma females are so similar, especially in a family complex, that it can be almost impossible to determine the species without scale counts. They can hybridize. Look at a lot of pairs of the 3 suspects and try to determine if there are distinct differences in the females.
Good luck

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