Help I Siphoned My Betta!

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Dec 26, 2012
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Okay, so freaking out, I was siphoning water out of my male half moon betta tank just now and he kept playing near the tube (I was not use the wide thingy that you use on the gravel) and next thing I now is he is in the tube. I reversed the flow and got him out. I know he lost some scales cause I saw them float out of the tube also. I turned the light out cause he had to have been scared to death (I know I was). Here's my question should I use aquarium salt or melafix bacterial infraction meds on him. Plus should I use something for his slime coat. I am taking the corys and shrimp out after I figure out what I need to do to make sure he will be fine.
You could put a dose of stress coat in and turn the temp up to try and help avoid infection.  I wouldn't want to use meds as a prevention but others might know better.
It would probably be best to let him heal on his own and only use meds if necessary. Squeaky clean water will help prevent infection and you can add some stress coat to help calm him down if you would like :).
Agreed with KCB, try not to use meds unless absolutely necessary. Just keep his water pristine and soak his food in garlic juice to help boost his immune system :)
My old neons often used to get themselves sucked up my syphon and end up in the bucket. It was like a magnet too them. Also, had one of my Corys get stuck in the tube recently too. I just reversed the flow and he swam off ok.

I think your Betta should be ok but as suggested above, stress coat or something similar won't do any harm.
i had a honey gourami get sucked up once, i think he snapped, coz he was brown bread. :eek:
Tizer said:
i had a honey gourami get sucked up once, i think he snapped, coz he was brown bread.
That must have been a big tube, even for a small or dwarf gourami!
I've swallowed a female guppy by accident before... I started the siphon the usual way, suck on one end of the tube, and she went into the tube and I didn't see her come out so thought "Ah she just have swum off and it just looked like I'd siphoned her"... Nope, started the siphon and swallowed her by accident... Along with loads of fish water. I have had a male betta get his head stuck to the end of a siphon tube before. His head looked like this afterwards and he bled out of his gills for about a minute afterwards - 

I'm sure yours will be fine if my boy survived to breed 3 times afterwards :)
Thank you for all the replies. I feel better knowing I'm not the only that has this, and everyone else s fish is okay.
Lunar Jetman said:
i had a honey gourami get sucked up once, i think he snapped, coz he was brown bread.
That must have been a big tube, even for a small or dwarf gourami!
just a normal hose size, i was quite shocked at how easy and quickly it happened :D
Paradise<3 said:
I've swallowed a female guppy by accident before... I started the siphon the usual way, suck on one end of the tube, and she went into the tube and I didn't see her come out so thought "Ah she just have swum off and it just looked like I'd siphoned her"... Nope, started the siphon and swallowed her by accident... Along with loads of fish water. 
 Did you get her back or just grin and bear it?
Lunar Jetman said:
I've swallowed a female guppy by accident before... I started the siphon the usual way, suck on one end of the tube, and she went into the tube and I didn't see her come out so thought "Ah she just have swum off and it just looked like I'd siphoned her"... Nope, started the siphon and swallowed her by accident... Along with loads of fish water. 
 Did you get her back or just grin and bear it?
Erm... When I say swallowed I mean I swallowed her XD There was no way I could have gotten her back because it may be disgusting but unfortunately I don't puke easily...
I once sucked up and elephant nose as I was cleaning my plant in an old set up. Poor guy was about a year in the tank. I shot him back out but he didn't last.
Wow this is why I don't like water vacs because of the danger! You should've removed the fish before even starting to be on the safe side. I just take a bucket and fill it up and dump it out. (with my fish separated of course.)
FishHelper101 said:
Wow this is why I don't like water vacs because of the danger! You should've removed the fish before even starting to be on the safe side. I just take a bucket and fill it up and dump it out. (with my fish separated of course.)
This very rarely happens, I usually put my hand near the end in the tank to scare off any fish that get curious. I'm not going to move all my fish out of my tank just to take 3 gallons of water out. It's more stressful to move them all than just keep an eye on where they are whilst you are siphoning.

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