Help! I Don't Know If My African Clawed Frog Is Bloat


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Apr 23, 2013
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I have three African clawed frogs. My newest (I've had here about one and a half months) looks pudgy. It's just her lower abdomen that is fat. I'm about 99% sure that all my frogs are female so I don't think she's pregnant. I've soaked her in Epsom salt for the last six days and she hasn't gotten better nor is she worse. Is think a way to know if she's sick or just fat? I want to treat her if she's sick but she's also very shy so I don't want to stress her if there's nothing wrong. I attached a picture, sorry it isn't the best. Like I said, she's very shy and doesn't like having her picture taken. Thank you to anyone who can help.
Are you SURE it's bloat?

Bloat is when: large amount of fluids collect in the abdomen, legs and chin and looks like a blown up latex glove. The frog can live in this condition for a short period of time. HOWEVER, it stop eating and become buoyant from the pressure build up and die.
I don't know if its bloat, that's the problem. In the past couple days she has become slightly poofier. And when she's in her favorite hiding place, under the sponger filter, she's up against the bottom of the sponge not on the rocks almost like shes floating. As of yesterday she is still eating though.
Can you post a few pictures of her? That would help immensely!
These pictures I took this morning are after three days for having her in isolation being treated with Melafix and Epsom salt baths. Her poofiness has decreased some and she's still eating her Reptimin stick every night and going to the bathroom.

Here's one more picture


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she is a gorgeous frog. ive got 2 african dwarf frogs. havnt seen much info on this forum for them yet, may have to start something ???

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