Help! Glowlight Tetras Developed White Film!


New Member
Apr 16, 2013
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Hi there i need help! my glowlight tetras developed a white film over their body overnight. I also noticed that some have frayed fins and some are missing a chunk of their tail. They also havent ate in about 2 days now. Just couple days ago I started a new tank. Its been cycling fishless for about 3 weeks now and I put 4 guppies in earlier in the week who unfortunetly died after about a day and a half. I checked the water parameters no amonia no nitrates and the ph was fine. Since then I put 4 glowlight tetras in the same tank in an attemp to cycle it. I had these tetras for couple of months now in my other 10g tank and had no issues with them. This tank is located on my patio in a shade, it has a fan that is on a timer to keep the water cool during the day and a heater for night time. The temparure stays between 79 and 82 degrees.i have an air pump, and a co2 reactor for the plants. I have 7 real plants in the tank and I use ro water in the tank. I use API water conditioner, stress coat, stress zyme, leaf zone, and c02 booster. I just purchased top fin bacteria supplement couple days ago wich is suppose to help with a kick start of new tank.the filter is from the tank that has been up and running for about 5 months now. I purchased a new one for that tank so I decided to use this one on the patio so it already has some biological bacteria. The substrate is fine sand with a layer of floramax underneath.

Current water parameters:
Nitrate 20, nitrite 0, ph 6.5, kh 40, gh 120.temp 80. Used api test kit.
I did 20% water change and added some aquarium salt and melafix that I had handy. Not sure if this is bacterial or fungus. Has anyone had this before? Any other suggestions on what I could do? I really dont want to loose more fish :-(
Here are some pics


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Think it's bacterial, seeing the dameage at the dorsal and tailfin (finrot).
Could it happen over night though? Well while I was at of this motning one is definitly dead 1 is alive but dont think it will be for much longer one is doing a little better then the other one and I cant find the 4 th one. As of the 3 that I found there is nothing left of their is horrible I feel so bad.
Ok so i did find the 4th one and he is still alive and looks better then the other 2. He still got all of his fins so i still have hope for these 3. If its bacterial then how could they get it? They been in that tank since friday and as far as my other tank where they came from i still have 3 tetras in there and they are fine. And isnt fin rot caused by poor water conditions? And if so
How could i tell since my water is testing fine? What else should i do?

I think ill stop at my lfs tonight have them test the water there with the liquid test And see what they say. Also will get more ro water and do another water change. Should i pick up any other medication or should i just stick to melafix and sal?

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