Help: Betta Fin Rot?


New Member
Oct 7, 2015
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Hello everyone, glad to have found this forum.

So my betta has been displaying a weird fin condition for the last couple of weeks. I've tried to google it online but have not been able to identify the ailment. Have any of you seen this issue before? I thought it may be fin rot, but it doesn't match any of the photos i've seen.
This is what it looked like last week.
These were taken today.
Is it fin rot?? How should I treat him?
Hello, welcome to the forum 
 this is fin growth not fin rot so it is the actual opposite 
 it is strange they way it is growing though do you know if he had shredded fins in the past?
betta fish said:
Hello, welcome to the forum 
 this is fin growth not fin rot so it is the actual opposite 
 it is strange they way it is growing though do you know if he had shredded fins in the past?
Thank you... I don't know if he has, I picked him up about 2 months ago. This is the first time i've seen this.
This had given me cause to question my Betta's tail as I'd seen exactly the same thing (the transparency) and his tail has definitely grown longer lately; I did think it was growth but not 100% certain.
What made me think otherwise with the above fish is the last photo, at the bottom right it looks like there's a split in the tail.  Is that normal growth or could it have been snagged on something?
Far_King said:
What made me think otherwise with the above fish is the last photo, at the bottom right it looks like there's a split in the tail.  Is that normal growth or could it have been snagged on something?
That probably got snagged on something or bitten somehow (before the OP got him). Or this may all be the healing FROM fin rot. Either way, it's growing back, just not like it should be. Something got damaged somewhere to cause it to grow back differently than it should. It won't necessarily hurt aquarium fish. It just isn't as aesthetically pleasing.

Of course in the wild, a fish with a damaged fin may swim erratically when trying to get away from predators, so it would affect them negatively. But aquarium fish are fine.
I actually quite like the way it looks. It's aesthetically pleasing to me :)
His fins look nice and healthy.  Clear edging is normally regrowth or cellophane coloring and not fin rot.   It looks like some kind of damage happened and a ray in the caudal (tail) fin was broken which is why it turns up and forms a "fan".  Could be he bit his fins really bad, got in a fight with another fish, over flared, or was crushed in some way.  Broken rays like this don't normally appear with standard rot though.
Betta fins can curl when water PH or Amonia is too high but it's different then that, if you can check water parameters.

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