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Fish Fanatic
Sep 15, 2015
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Hello Everyone!
My name is Adam and new to the team of aquarist excellence! I have been following this website forum for a few months now and loved what I have seen and wanted to join in on the fun, questions, opinions, and of course research to futher deepen the roots of this addicting hobby! I do not have alot of experience as I have only been doing this hobby for about a year now. Through mistakes, TONS of research, and frustrations I still love the hobby and want to continue my learning experience with them.
Right now I have 4 FW tanks and eventually work up to possibly 5 when I am able to get a bigger place. They are as follows:
55Gal FW- AquaClear 110 with sponge, Packed Carbon, and Matrix bio. I know the fish in this one are going to seem all over the map and some "schooling fish" arent quite schooling with the way I have them. I have plans for them!
1-Columbian Pleco
3- Tiger barbs
2- Rosline barbs (denison barbs)
1- Gold Serevum (not full grown, maybe 2 months old)
2- Opiline Gourami
2-German Ram (1 male and 1 Female)
1- Boliviam Ram
11- Kribs (1 Adult male, 2 adult females, and 8 baby kribs)
2- generic crayfish (do not know the exact name but got it from Petco)
1- Redtail Shark
29 Gal FW- AquaClear 70 with sponge, new product I am trying ChemiPure Elite, and bio balls.
1- Dojo Loach (Love this guy but unfortunately dont think he will make it very much longer-Cause is still undetermined)
4- Corydoras (sp)
1- Dwarf gourami
1- Banjo Catfish
3- Peacock Gudgeon
1- Rainbow Shark
1- Female Betta
3- Otocinclus Algae eaters
2- Bosemani Rainbowfish
3- Celebese Rainbowfish
1- Female Swordtail
10 Gal FW- Marineland 100 Filter and sponge filter (cycling as of right now)
16- Ghost shrimp
2- Glowfish Danio
1- Glowfish Tetra
75 Gal Marineland tank with Marineland LED light system. I don't have anything in it as of yet since this was a recent purchase and still trying to decide what to put in it. I debated on if I should go for african cichlids but leaning towards SA cichlids since I do have the Gold Serevum cichlid that will eventually outgrow the 55gal. Seeing as the Gold Serevum is pretty peaceful, I would like to have some of the same kinds of cichlids. Thinking of sand substrate. That is about as far I have gotten with this one. Any help with this one or any of the ones I have mentioned are very much appreciated!
Thank you all!
I adore cichlid tanks. I hope to see photos of the different ones you've got going on. And welcome to the forum!
Thank you Fish Fanatic! Ill have some uploaded in the near future. Still getting used to some of the features offered through FishForum.net. Overall I think its great!
Welcome to the forum

Just a word of warning if mixing severums with other cichlids, sadly many of the other commonly kept South American cichlids can and will bully severums since as you have already witnessed severums are pretty peaceful and easy going. Angels or discus should work with severums but if any pair up to breed there could be issues, angels I know can get very territorial. I had three young angels all growing up together just fine, until the largest two paired and started chasing the smaller one mercilessly all over the tank.
Any chance of knowing what type of corydoras you have? Some are better suited to warm water (but almost none really like the hot temperatures most people keep discus at), but all corydoras  LOVE being in a large group. Having them in a suitable sized shoal really gets them to behave naturally, you may even get to see spawning and attempt to raise the fry if you have all the same type. Also corydoras do best on sand sand substrate, gravel (especially sharp gravel) can wear away their whiskers and allow in infections. Plus there is nothing funnier in my opinion than seeing a corydoras buried up to its eyes hunting food in the sand.
look forwards to seeing your tanks and fish, and good for you realising that the severum  will need a bigger home and be willing to provide it
Thank you for the warm welcome!
Right now, as you can see the Gold Severum's tank mates are smaller ciclhlids like the Kribs, german rams, and bolivian ram. They get along really well. After going to a fish store and being told that Severums can be housed with firemouths, Jack dempseys, electric or blue acara, I am now confused... It's not meant to doubt anyone as everyone has a different experience with each and every fishwith  various setups and the list of possibilities are endless. I understand cichlids in general "can" be aggressive but actually being aggressive towards other fish are 2 different stories. So that being said, would the options run better as to put dwarf cichlids in the 75gal or the ones you or the fish guy suggested??
To answer your question of the Cory's, I have 1 Panda cory, 1 Sterabi cory, 1 pepper cory, and 1 Julii Cory. It was only til a couple weeks ago I realized how much of a community is needed within the Cory cats family. That was part of the reason why I moved 2 of them from the 55gal into the 29. I unfortunately had one Emerald Cory die (which was my favorite one). I plan to get more later on after I figure out what to do with my 75gal. I also made the "rookie" mistake of not getting a sand substrate for the 29gal... (FacePalm!)
I still have much to learn and and more willing to learn more. Thank God for Forums like this one!
We are all here to help, and have all made rookie face palm
 mistakes in our fish keeping.
Personally I would stick to the smaller and stay around the bottom cichlids like you currently have, because Jack Dempsy's can be just plain vicious. The blue acra I am not sure about, but is reported as being mostly peaceful when not breeding. Apparently Blue acra juvi's are often mistaken for more aggressive green terrors and juvi jack dempsy's so when purchasing blue acra try to get directly from a breeder who knows what they have. Sadly to often pet shops and fish shops unwittingly sell people the wrong fish with the wrong information. But please keep in mind blue acras will get big and with size their temperament may get more aggressive especially towards smaller cichlids. As the severum matures and gains size it too may take a liking to giving your smaller cichlids a thumping.
I think a tank built around severums with other suitable south American fish (and possibly even some Asian if the water stats are similar) will be the most rewarding fish keeping experience. I am sure other members with more cichlid experience will be able to help you in your cichlid quest in the new world section of this forum.
By all means increase your numbers of corys, (I know its hard but try to select a couple of types to concentrate on so they can have a decent shoal
), but I always warn people about putting corydoras in with cichlids even if in the wild they come from the same section of river. My warning is because Corydoras have absolutely NO clue about territories and that some fish will aggressively defend a nest/spawning spot. Corydoras tend to bumble about the tank meaning no body any harm, but can get badly injured from over protective zelous cichlids. Too many corydoras have had eyes ripped out by cichilds for me to not want to pass on the information.
hudsona85 said:
Thank you Fish Fanatic! Ill have some uploaded in the near future. Still getting used to some of the features offered through FishForum.net. Overall I think its great!
LOL. I guess my title on here is fish fanatic, but I'm Amber. :)
Whoops! Thank you Amber. As you can tell, still a Novice! LOL
Actually, you are "mostly new member". Haha. I shall call you squishy! Kidding

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