Hi there,
So there I was looking for a forum to ask for advice and to chat with other fish maniacs and found this wonderful place. I guess I should introduce myself, since I'll probably be spending a lot of time here.
I'm 16 years old, I live in the United Kingdom and I recently got into the hobby. I've been doing a lot of research over the past few weeks and yesterday I finally bought myself a 50 gallon tank off eBay, I can't wait to start setting everything up and slowly purchasing everything I need. I still have to buy an external filter since I haven't heard good things about internals (which is what I got with the tank, a cabinet and some other accessories). Fish too of course, but that will come later when the tank is ready and safe.
I plan on having some boeseman rainbowfish because I love the blue and yellow combination, an angelfish, a gourami of sorts, a school of cardinal tetras, some cories and a group of german blue rams. I'll be posting a journal thread soon, and I can't wait to talk with all you nice people.
So there I was looking for a forum to ask for advice and to chat with other fish maniacs and found this wonderful place. I guess I should introduce myself, since I'll probably be spending a lot of time here.