

Fish Crazy
Dec 9, 2013
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Hi there,
So there I was looking for a forum to ask for advice and to chat with other fish maniacs and found this wonderful place. I guess I should introduce myself, since I'll probably be spending a lot of time here.
 I'm 16 years old, I live in the United Kingdom and I recently got into the hobby. I've been doing a lot of research over the past few weeks and yesterday I finally bought myself a 50 gallon tank off eBay, I can't wait to start setting everything up and slowly purchasing everything I need. I still have to buy an external filter since I haven't heard good things about internals (which is what I got with the tank, a cabinet and some other accessories). Fish too of course, but that will come later when the tank is ready and safe.
 I plan on having some boeseman rainbowfish because I love the blue and yellow combination, an angelfish, a gourami of sorts, a school of cardinal tetras, some cories and a group of german blue rams. I'll be posting a journal thread soon, and I can't wait to talk with all you nice people.
to the Forum!
Hope you enjoy it here 
Hi 508,
Welcome to TFF. I'll look forward to that journal of yours. :)
Do you plan on fishless cycling your new tank?
TallTree01 said:
Hi 508,
Welcome to TFF. I'll look forward to that journal of yours.

Do you plan on fishless cycling your new tank?
Yes of course :)
I'm not sure whether to do it with plants or without plants though
:hi: to the forum.
Boesemani rainbow fish are lovely! However, they don't make the best tank mates with angelfish, as angels are soft water fish whereas boesmani prefer harder water.
Looking forward to following your journal!
You can do fishless cycle with or without plants, entirely up to you. Won't harm the cycle at all whichever you choose.
Live plants IMO is more natural and the fish enjoy this more. Also plants have the added benefit of being able to absorb nitrates as well as a very small amount of ammonia.
Have fun with your research on plants and fish! 
Ch4rlie said:
You can do fishless cycle with or without plants, entirely up to you. Won't harm the cycle at all whichever you choose.
Live plants IMO is more natural and the fish enjoy this more. Also plants have the added benefit of being able to absorb nitrates as well as a very small amount of ammonia.
Have fun with your research on plants and fish! 
Yes those are some of the reasons why I chose to go with live plants. I just want to make the tank look as natural as possible, while being a good environment for my fish. 
Thank you all for the warm welcomes :)
Welcome. I'm new too so if you need a buddy to be new with I'm here! I'm only seventeen and just really got into the hobby too ^_^
to the forum! I hope you continue to enjoy it here.
Looking forward to reading your journal!
508 said:
Hi 508,
Welcome to TFF. I'll look forward to that journal of yours. :)
Do you plan on fishless cycling your new tank?
Yes of course :)
I'm not sure whether to do it with plants or without plants though
I like doing it with plants cos it gives them time to establish roots before the fish arrive and it gives me something to look at and time to plan til the fish arrive. Up to you though. :)
Blondielovesfish said:
to the forum.
Boesemani rainbow fish are lovely! However, they don't make the best tank mates with angelfish, as angels are soft water fish whereas boesmani prefer harder water.
Looking forward to following your journal!
Good point! But my LFS breeds their fish locally, so they should be just fine in hard water.
While that may be true, are you completely sure that they are bred in your water? Many breeders use RO/DI water to lower their pH and the angels may not then be properly acclimated and could die.
What is your pH?
Blondielovesfish said:
While that may be true, are you completely sure that they are bred in your water? Many breeders use RO/DI water to lower their pH and the angels may not then be properly acclimated and could die.
What is your pH?
That was something I haven't thought about, I'll have just have to ask the next time I visit. And I haven't got around to measuring my pH just yet, but I'm not too fussy about my stocking and I will change it if it turns out some fish won't do very well with the water I'll be using.

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