

New Member
Aug 28, 2012
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Hello my name is Gonzalo, and I am new to fresh water aquariums and fish husbandry.
Live in sunny Florida U.S.A, and yes tropical storm Isaac is gone away to Louisiana!
Love to skateboard, and fish. Sorry, I fish and release all fresh water, only eat few salt water.
Looking forward in setting up a 10 and 20 gallon, as natural as possible, in a conservative budget.
Presently have a 5 gal with two Dwarf gouramis, unknown (3/4 inch wild caught/non native)probably a spotted tilapia, and an apple snail.
The tilapia will be kept until size allows.
Hope to learn from so many experienced aquarists.
Hi! Welcome to the forum! :hi:
I like skating too, but I suck at it. I'm a girl so... xD Besides, it's too hot to ride. :(

10 gallon stocking ideas:
You can get 2 dwarf gouramis and 10 cherry shrimps. :) (since you seem to like gouramis)
Hi! Welcome to the forum! :hi:
I like skating too, but I suck at it. I'm a girl so... xD Besides, it's too hot to ride. :(

10 gallon stocking ideas:
You can get 2 dwarf gouramis and 10 cherry shrimps. :) (since you seem to like gouramis)
hi :) thank you for the ideas I really like them, by the way it doesn't really matter if you suck at skating the only thing that matters is having fun skateboarding! since I like fancy goldfish... how many goldfish would you recommend having in a 10 gallon aquarium? i rather prefer having a plants in my 20 gallon tank with my gouramis. since gold fish eat planted plants, I am not going to plant fish in my future gold fish aquarium.
Ahhh... well, to tell you the truth, you can't keep a goldfish in a 10 gallon aquarium. I had goldfish, fantail types, I had to move them to my cousin's 125 gallon fish tank. They're growing rather fast, now. I recommend at LEAST a 30 gallon for one fantail. Goldfish are amazing and beautiful creatures, but the gorgeousness comes with a price. Goldies are big poopers, they will boost up the amonia levels very quick. Please, don't keep a goldfish in a 10 gallon. This is how big, possibly, a fantail can grow up to be 7 inches. The size of a baseball. That's not the biggest, either. They have been known to reach the size of a little bigger than a baby kitten. YIKES!

Please visit this link for more info: http://www.goldfishconnection.com/
would you recommend any other type of smaller gold fish? if not I would better be going off with two tropical aquariums. I would love to be helped on choosing the fish for my both 10 and 20 gallon tanks. to give you an idea I like big catfish, sharks, gouramis, cichlids,and even sunfish. :dunno:
good morning and welcome to the forum! :good: Sorry to say, the only thing on your list that will live in a 10 or 20 gallon tank, long term are dwarf gourami, and maybe some dwarf cichlids.
hi! i have read that a minimum size tank for an angel fish is 10 gallons. Is that true? by the way what type of cichlids are dwarf? all though what i really want is a raphael catfish and a red tailed shark. :)
Thats not true at all. Angels need minimum of 30 gallons. Raphael cats get 8 inches so also a nono. And i dont think you want sunfish, they are very aggressive, even when small.

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