Hello From Seattle


New Member
Apr 30, 2013
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Hi, My name is Chris and I am from Seattle.
I currently have two 29 and one 75 gallon tank. (Planted)  I keep livebearer and rainbow fish. 
I have tons of guppies and ballon molly (they reproduce very quick) I have seven boesemani rainbows in my 75 (4 female and 3 male)
I have been to almost all the fish stores in the Seattle area. I also shop my equipment online (amazon, craigslist, ebay, petsolutions)
I am still a newbie in the hobby and I hope I can contribute some experience to the forum in the future.
Thank you! 
Chris and yes please, lots of 

TIP: Put your location in your profile as it assists with advising you etc in the future ;)
Thanks, I am trying to find a place to up load my picture. The forum can share picture through links. I hope it works. (the picture is only good for 14 days)

Nice looking tanks, heven!
 to TFF!
Some of us use Photobucket or even Facebook to deposit pictures before posting them if that would give you a permanent "store" for them.
Thanks for the info. I will give it a try 
hevenp said:
(the picture is only good for 14 days)
How come? Does it turn into a pumpkin or something after 14 days? :)
It's best to use the photo uploader on the site. What often happens with Photobucket, Flickr, etc., is that the user deletes the photo, and we end up with a thread that makes no sense, because the relevant photo(s) is missing.
Obviously, there is a limit of 300K per photo for uploading. I use GIMP, a free photo manipulation software, you just downgrade the image quality of the jpeg file when you "Save As", and the size of the file is usually then under 300K. If you have a look at my photo here you can see that the rendered quality of the photo is fine.
You might have to give blow by blow instructions for me then TLM or point me in the right direction as I've not succeeded doing it that way before.
When you are replying to a topic, click on the More Reply Options button at the bottom. This takes you to the same editor that you use when you are starting a topic.
At the bottom, you see the "Attach Files" area. Click "Browse" and navigate to where the file is stored on your computer. DOuble click the file, and you will see the file path and name in the Attach Files box. Click on "Attach This File", and the file will upload. You then have an option on the right to include the file in the post. If you check this, it will put the full photo in your post at the current cursor point. If you leave it unchecked, it will appear as a thumbnail at the bottom of the post.
You just need to make sure that the file is less than 300K, by using an image manipulation software, like GIMP.
Just testing - apologies Chris et al!

Try again >>>>>>

Thanks TLM! It worked when I remembered to click on the "attach this file" button! lol


  • platy fry feb 2013.jpg
    platy fry feb 2013.jpg
    39.6 KB · Views: 128
Thanks guys. Now i know i can directly upload pictures through my computer.  It didn't display the option when I made my first post. 
the_lock_man said:
(the picture is only good for 14 days)
How come? Does it turn into a pumpkin or something after 14 days?
The website only holds my picture for 14 days unless I pay for the membership =)

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