

Fish nerd
Mar 19, 2008
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I always bought marineland heaters the black plastic ones they were not expensive and most of mine lasted years. well I know marineland had some major problems with the new heaters I had 2 blow up on me a few years ago and said i will not buy them any more. 
So I bought this cheap one by cascade one is working well the other died after a few months. So I don't want to buy them any more. I bought a Flucal M 300 watt it worked great for a long time but now is not holding its heat as well. So I just bought a Aqueon 06104  this heater came with good reviews but it feels kind of cheap to me.
So Please anyone know some good heaters that will last and not cost me too much. It never was this hard to find a good heater before. Now it's like all I find is JUNK!!! 
I use AquaOne ThermoSafe, they have a minimum 2yrs warranty
Have used Fluval E heaters, no problem for me so far.
Easy at a glance for temp and adjustments etc
They aren't cheap but I'm a big fan of Hydor ETH external heaters but obviously only useful if you use a canister/external filter :)
I have two aqueon 200 watt  heaters.  Very good reviews on amazon.   And all their heaters are guaranteed for life.  Can't beat that.
I always use fluval heaters they are a bit more money but I've had a 300 watt one running now for three years and it works just as good now as when a got it so well worth the extra cost.
Thanks everyone.
Yeah I went with a aqueon today and I bought it because of the reviews and I saw the life time guarantee. I might get another but I do like my Fluval it feels like it is made better. 
Fishmanic said:
I have two aqueon 200 watt  heaters.  Very good reviews on amazon.   And all their heaters are guaranteed for life.  Can't beat that.
the aqueon pro is not made of glass--so breakage is greatly reduced--and the pro has a dual light---green light indicates heating is at set temp and red means it's heating---nice indicator that your heater is plugged in and working--and it has a temperature setting dial that is pretty accurate in my experience

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