Hi! Since my daughter has gone to college, I have inherited care of her fish. She has a 129 gal tank that had a full grown (12" at least) oscar, a large plecko, a jack Dempsey (about 7"), convict, and firemouth. The Dempsey eventually terrorized the convict and firemouth and they died, and the Oscar just died recently. All that's left is the Jack and the plecko. The Jack has always been people friendly, but now will just sit and face a corner with his back to the door. There is rarely anyone in the the room the tank is in. If I come in and speak, he comes to the front glass. I am thinking of moving him into a 50 gal in a room where there is more activity, and putting my community fish in the big tank. Question is: Will this make him happier and will the large plecko (8") be a problem with the community tank?