Have any new fish purchases rekindled your passion lately?

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Fish Fanatic
Sep 25, 2022
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Council Bluffs, Iowa
I have always been a snob toward platties and mollies...i mean for 20+ years i never owned any. I'm not trying to be a hater, but just never cared for the shape of their bodies and the thought of them breeding like bunnies was always a huge turn off. BUT yesterday, I was at the LFS and I saw the most beautiful jewel toned sailfinned molly pair, I immediately scooped them up and I just love them! I am so excited that I got a male/female with same coloration, so i know i'll get babies soon. I'm at work right now and mad that I didn't take a picture or short video last night so that I could share...but this is what my male looks like and the female is very similar but more muted of course and smaller sailfin.


So, I was just wondering, is there a fish that got you really excited even after many years of experience in the hobby??

I recently got a bunch of new (to me) Corydoras species, and I am delighted with them.
No, but I'm designing a hillstream tank and it's fun to think about. It will probably be a few months before I build it, money being what it is. (what it mostly is is scarce at the moment)
I have always been a snob toward platties and mollies...i mean for 20+ years i never owned any. I'm not trying to be a hater, but just never cared for the shape of their bodies and the thought of them breeding like bunnies was always a huge turn off. BUT yesterday, I was at the LFS and I saw the most beautiful jewel toned sailfinned molly pair, I immediately scooped them up and I just love them! I am so excited that I got a male/female with same coloration, so i know i'll get babies soon. I'm at work right now and mad that I didn't take a picture or short video last night so that I could share...but this is what my male looks like and the female is very similar but more muted of course and smaller sailfin.

View attachment 309058

So, I was just wondering, is there a fish that got you really excited even after many years of experience in the hobby??
I am a super fan of those wild colored sailfins.

But not all livebearers have a short gestation period and not all livebearers will have lots of offspring each batch. Just know that the gestation period of a sailfin molly will take about 6-8 weeks. And sometimes even longer.

Eventhough, I'm almost keeping fish for 50 years, I can still get excited when I buy new fish. At such moments, I'm like a kid in a candy store. No matter which type of fish it might be.
It's funny, isn't it. We can look like serious people with responsibilities in our communities, and all those grown up things. We can be those people in reality. But then we go into an aquarium store and see a fish with an interesting pattern or shape or colour, and inside, we are little kids again.

I once saw a white bearded, sternly imimidating Mayor of a small city dance because he found a Corydoras he liked.
I am a super fan of those wild colored sailfins.

But not all livebearers have short gestation period and not all livebearers will have lots of offspring each batch. Just know that the gestation period of a sailfin molly will take about 6-8 weeks. And sometimes even longer.

Eventhough, I'm almost keeping fish for 50 years, I can still get excited when I buy new fish. At such moments, I'm like a kid in a candy store. No matter which type of fish it might be.
Thanks for that information! I'm actually fine with the longer gestation period, I don't want to be overrun with them, but they sure are pretty :) I saw some fry hiding back in the tank that this pair came out of, but there was another orange sailfin female in there as well (that I didn't buy)...so who knows whose fry they were.

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