Hard Water Fish

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Aug 21, 2012
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I have been keeping south American for years, now I am moving from a soft water area to a hard water area  117 mg/l as calcium,  16.38 German. I am at a loss to think of what fish will be happy at this level of hardness any suggestions, They must not grow too large, nor eat plants and more to the point not eat each other. My tank is 109 Gallons  500 Ltrs  with  2  X 1500 ltr hour canister filters. 
I know a fare bit about keeping fish only never in hard water.
All suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers  French47
African cichlids and Synodontis catfish do well in hard water. I have never kept any but I am guessing plenty of other people on here have. If not, check out KG Tropicals on Youtube, they are an African cichlid specialist fish store that post loads of videos on the subject.
Many rainbowfish, Central American and African cichlids would be fine in hard water.
Nicaraguan cichlids in particular would fare really well - what is the ph, I know the other stats indicate hardness etc but knowing a ph is an easy point to have an idea of which direction to go in.
french47 said:
117 mg/l as calcium, 16.38 German
Bit confused by this - I don't think these equate to each other as 117mg/L would be pretty normal while the other is hard.
My suggestions for peaceful, plant-friendly hard water fish would be livebearers or rainbowfish.
That 117 mg/l is Ca not CaCO3; it converts to 292.5 mg/l CaCO3, which in turn converts to 16.38 german deg.
Thanks for explaining essjay! :)
That's about the same hardness as my water then.  I keep planted tanks with livebearers and small species of rainbowfish (threadfins and blue eyes).

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