Hard Corals

Hi ally,
IMHO, I would upgrade your lighting somewhat atleast to T5's.first. Obviously your probably dead set on purchasing the Euphyllia but I would hold off for now.
They will always be there. You could risk it, but if it dosen't work out you could risk nukeing the rest of the tank, so in the end the choice is ultimately yours to make.
I know the light conversion is going to be expensive but as you get deeper and deeper into this side of the hobby then your lighting is always going to be an issue, so I would upgrade sooner rather than later. If I were you I'd be saving my money and leaning toward a MH, T5 combo luminaire
Sorry to sound so negative but if it were me posing this question then I would be saddened if someone didn't give me a direct an answer as this.
Tank dimensions? As Big C says MH is a really good choice to upgrade to. If you wanted you can use garden halide lighting fixtures and convert all your T8 to actinic. To be more specific we need the tank dimensions.....

Is this a new maxima clam? If it is you have little to no chance of the clam surviving under your current lighting system. If it is an older entry to the tank which has survived please tell me your secrets

If you have a clam, they need bright light and perfect water conditions to grow and survive. If yours is doing fine then I cant fault your water conditions (I would love a sml sp clam but I personally thought that I would not be able to offer one all those conditions mentioned). Is its mantle open and vibrantly coloured.
Go ahead and try the Hard coral then ally. but keep it high up and away from anything else
Keep us informed of your findings.
I am astouded that you have been able to keep a maxima clam for 7 months under such low lighting!!! That is really interesting as these normally require huge amounts of lighting; for instance a PAR of 600 is not saturating to them and even when you get to 1900 they are still sucking up the light. Is it possible for you to post a picture of this clam? Did you say it was purple or is it more brown clouration?


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