planted the tank today, water a little misty but pics below.
not sure what is growing on the bogwood piece at the back - there are also little plants coming out of the moss - better pic will be taken, but can anyone ID for me please?
echinodorus rubra
a line of cryptocoryne wendtii bvrown running in behind the cross and along in front of the mopani; rear centre on this photo, rear left on the next is alternanthera cardinalis; rear right this photo, centre next photo is anubias nana
Last two photos of cryptocoryne undulatus red running in front of Meldrew, along the side and round the back wall of the tank
Quite pleased with the placings...any comments, advice?
I have planted clay balls (Kugeln) for nutrient supply around the ones in the sand, and understand that the slow release of the nutrients within are good for a year..
ID of the bogwood-planted group would be appreciated!
Think I need to change my sig pic!

not sure what is growing on the bogwood piece at the back - there are also little plants coming out of the moss - better pic will be taken, but can anyone ID for me please?

echinodorus rubra

a line of cryptocoryne wendtii bvrown running in behind the cross and along in front of the mopani; rear centre on this photo, rear left on the next is alternanthera cardinalis; rear right this photo, centre next photo is anubias nana

Last two photos of cryptocoryne undulatus red running in front of Meldrew, along the side and round the back wall of the tank

Quite pleased with the placings...any comments, advice?
I have planted clay balls (Kugeln) for nutrient supply around the ones in the sand, and understand that the slow release of the nutrients within are good for a year..
ID of the bogwood-planted group would be appreciated!
Think I need to change my sig pic!