Hey helpful fish members,
I have yet another issue to bring to you. (It really is a blessing you have you guys as a quick option in case of emergencies...) So I have this really beautiful male guppy. He has this giant, pink tail with grey dots on the end. A few days ago, I noticed his tail seemed smaller. Then, the day after, I saw jagged edges- the spots were gone! It looks like the end of his tail has been bitten right off. This is a 10 gallon, he has two other male guppies as well as two (yes, I need more, getting them later today) harlequin rasboras for tankmates, and I have hard water- about 250 ppm.
pH is 7.7
Already given GH...
Ammonia is always 0
Nitrite is usually 0-4
Nitrate is around 10
I have two real plants (not quite sure what one is, but the other one is Anubias Nana.) and four plastic, as well as a plastic bonsai tree.
I'm wondering if it is the tank bully biting him, or the plants? Also, do I need to put Melafix in there, or any other meds?
I have yet another issue to bring to you. (It really is a blessing you have you guys as a quick option in case of emergencies...) So I have this really beautiful male guppy. He has this giant, pink tail with grey dots on the end. A few days ago, I noticed his tail seemed smaller. Then, the day after, I saw jagged edges- the spots were gone! It looks like the end of his tail has been bitten right off. This is a 10 gallon, he has two other male guppies as well as two (yes, I need more, getting them later today) harlequin rasboras for tankmates, and I have hard water- about 250 ppm.
pH is 7.7
Already given GH...
Ammonia is always 0
Nitrite is usually 0-4
Nitrate is around 10
I have two real plants (not quite sure what one is, but the other one is Anubias Nana.) and four plastic, as well as a plastic bonsai tree.
I'm wondering if it is the tank bully biting him, or the plants? Also, do I need to put Melafix in there, or any other meds?